(Before It's News)
The Oklahoma state legislature
voted to effectively ban abortion on Thursday. Under the new law, a physician who performs an abortion would now be engaged in “unprofessional conduct,” costing them their medical license and potentially getting them thrown in jail for up to three years. The mother’s life and miscarriages are noted exceptions to the strict penalties, though rape, incest, and the mother’s health are absent the list. This latest attack in the state’s war on women is a tragic blow, but also an interesting one that an anarchistic approach can perhaps shed light on.
This is an indirect prohibition of abortion that utilizes the regulatory state of monopoly capitalism to “legally” threaten violence on anyone who provides an abortion. To even be a physician, you must now comply with the patriarchal standards of the state. Through its fascistic cartelization of the medical profession, the state government can now systematically violate mothers’ bodily autonomy just by changing physician standards. By going after the supply of abortions, the state has found an avenue of attack that lets them utilize already existing curtailments of “economic freedom” as a means to further curtail “social freedom.”
Supposedly progressive medical industry interventions, passed in the name of “protecting consumers,” are tools of the iron fist of patriarchy. The state government now determines the range of services available to medical patients, and if you don’t like it then off to the prison cell for you. This state control of the medical industry has proven to be a dangerous game for historically oppressed groups. With people who believe in neither the right to engage in voluntary exchange with others or a mother’s right to bodily sovereignty now directing the lauded state, progressivism is revealed to be nothing more than paternalistic authoritarianism.
Until the arbitrary distinction of economic freedom and social freedom is acknowledged, the cause of liberation will be tainted by means that are incompatible with the desired ends. The right to speak and print what you wish is empty without the right to own a printing press and sell papers. The right to get an abortion is empty without the right to buy abortion providers’ services. There is no “economic freedom.” There is no “social freedom.” There is only freedom. And neither ideological wing in America has a cohesive view of what that really means.
The tyrannical result of political leaders’ arbitrarily different and nefariously divisive understandings of freedom is perhaps the plainest reason that feminism and anarchism are complementary ideals. No matter the sphere of human interaction, whether it is “economic” or “social,” each and every human has equal liberty to do as they wish and no right to tell others what to do with their bodies.
Simply stated, the thugs known as the Oklahoma state government have made a public threat to kidnap all the abortion providing physicians inside their boundaries and throw them in cages. This gang has threatened mass violent kidnappings of every abortion provider in its controlled territory and it has the weaponry, soldiers, and prisons to follow through. If the occasional tragic attack on abortion clinics are terrorism, then the state of Oklahoma has declared all out war on abortion providers.
I wish the best of luck to those out there who have to fight every day of their lives to defend their basic human right to do what they wish with their body and hope they mount a revolutionary defense against patriarchs and tyrants everywhere, especially ones in the Oklahoma state government.
The Center for a Stateless Society (www.c4ss.org) is a media center working to build awareness of the market anarchist alternative