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Rob Kirby says the Globalists run the show and Rothschilds pushing for New World Order

Saturday, May 14, 2016 17:50
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Rob Kirby: The Globalists Run The Show – Rothschilds Pushing For New World Order – YouTube


During a 48 minute interview Josh Sigurdson and John Sneisen did with
Rob Kirby, Mr. Kirby broke down the threat of globalism. When asked who
runs the show he said, “The globalists have many masks.” He explained
that some believe it’s the Bilderbergers that control the show, others
the Trilateral Commission, the Council on Foreign Relations but what he
knows for sure is that the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, the Dutch Royal
Family and the British Royal Family are definitely behind most of what
we see. That they’re all related and they’re all conspiring against the
people on a global level. He said, “These people seek to have one world
government. These people seek to have one world currency. These people
seek to have one world religion, mainly the religion of statism itself.”
He went on to point out that they’re creating the tactic of divide and
conquer to undermine the liberties of all and create havoc. For example,
the Ferguson riots which were funded by George Soros’ Open Society
Foundation. That pitting us against each other is globalist play number

Rob then surprisingly went into the topic of 9/11 truth and
questioned the impossibilities of acrobatic terrorist pilots. When
asked about the gold being stored at the bottom of the World Trade
Center, he talked about the gold going missing from the rubble on 9/11
and that Donald Rumsfeld announced that 2.3 trillion dollars went
missing on 9/10, the day before 9/11. That money was never accounted for
as the information on where that money went was stored in the Pentagon
in the spot that got hit by the alleged plane.
We also went into the
fact that despite the Pentagon being one of the most secure places in
the US with cameras all over the place, only one frame of video claims
to show the plane hit and you can’t tell it apart from a missile. That
the hole in the side of the Pentagon was smaller than the width of the
plane. That there was no wreckage.

It’s incredible hearing an
expert like Rob Kirby go into all of these issues and we commend him for
being brave enough to talk about it.

You can find more from Rob Kirby at Kirby Analytics and you can watch the full interview here at World Alternative Media!


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