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Trump update 5/22/2016.. ‘Death Cross’ Strikes

Sunday, May 22, 2016 16:42
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(Before It's News)

Judge Jeanine Pirro – Poll Voters Trust Trump Over Clinton To Do Better Job Over Terror – Huckabee

Trump Victory Odds Soar As The Hillary Clinton ‘Death Cross’ Strikes

ABC, Fox News, and Rasmussen now have polls suggesting Donald Trump leads Hillary Clinton nationally and for the first time during this campaign RealClearPolitics ‘tracker’ has Trump with a 0.2pt lead – the unofficial “death cross” of Clinton’s campaign as Wayne Allyn Root right remarks “Hillary is sinking faster than the Titanic.” Voters are putting their money where their polls are too as bookies odds of a Hillary victory in November are tumbling.

Hillary’s lead has gone as the blue line “death cross”-es below Trump’s rising red line…

….. the establishment media’s continuing efforts to disparage The Donald are likely to backfire in GREED & fear’s view because the electorate at large is fed up with politically correct discourse, most particularly white men. On the latter point, GREED & fear’s attention was caught by a poll this week which showed that Trump has a 53% support rating among whites whereas he only has 28% support among Hispanics and a mere 9% among blacks. This is an important point in a country which remains obsessed about “race”, and which politics remains strongly influenced by race, just as Britain remains obsessed by “class” even if no one wants to admit it.

Still if Trump’s lack of appeal outside the white world represents a formidable obstacle in an election, it does not mean it is impossible for him to win since whites, for now at least, are still the majority in America accounting for 66% of the voting-age population. This is why national polls are still showing the race to be very close (see above) while polls also show that Trump has a chance of winning key swing states such as Michigan and Florida.

Clearly all of the above should be seen in the context of the fact that the election is still six months away. Still it has to be said that The Donald looks a lot more energised than Hillary who also faces the irritation that Bernie Sanders has, for reasons best known to him, still chosen not to exit the race. Indeed Trump looks to GREED & fear to have all the momentum with establishment Republicans almost rushing to endorse him.

Remember Americans, more than most cultures, like a winner.

Meanwhile, Democrats are beginning to dare to hope that the continuing FBI investigation of Hillary’s emails will trigger an event which will force her to step down from the presidential race providing an excuse for Vice President Joe Biden to emerge as a last-minute candidate. They are hoping this because they believe, probably correctly, that Biden has better prospects against The Donald. Still the longer this takes to happen, assuming it happens at all, the longer The Donald has to build momentum.

Gutfeld: Anti-Trump tirades make Donald the ultimate bad boy

Up In ‘Arms’ – Clinton Accuses Trump Of Pandering To NRA – Huckabee

Trump: ‘Trained teachers’ should be allowed to carry guns

Trump Will Protect The 2nd Amendment

Trump Dismisses Clinton Jab On Guns
Crooked Hillary said that I want guns brought into the school classroom. Wrong!

Donald Trump late Saturday blasted likely general election rival Hillary Clinton‘s latest attack against the presumptive Republican presidential nominee on guns. “Wrong!” Trump tweeted, reviving his “Crooked Hillary” moniker for the Democratic front-runner. Clinton attacked Trump at an anti-gun violence fundraiser on Saturday. “Unlike Trump I will not pander to the gun lobby,” she said at a Trayvon Martin Foundation event in Fort Lauderdale, Fla.
Donald J. Trump ✔ ‎@realDonaldTrump Crooked Hillary said that I want guns brought into the school classroom. Wrong! 10:55 PM – 21 May 2016

Dark future awaiting US under Trump: Scholar

Donald Trump to meet with prominent evangelical leaders

Tax Wall Street Party Calls Out Infowars For Supporting Nazi Fascist Donald Trump

Yes, Trump Is to the Left of Hillary on SOME ISSUES

Donald Trump Vs Washington Post – Challenge Of Long-Form Journalism – Media Buzz


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Total 18 comments
  • Trump is a loud-mouthed A-hole that will drive this country into the ground. Are people actually stupid enough to think it’s a good idea to have a hot-head like Trump dealing with foreign leaders on foreign policy issues? Apparently it’s gotten so bad that people can’t recognize a psychopath when they see one.

    • Amen Brother!!! That’s what I’ve been saying for the past year!

    • Trump is the Masonic AC that has been waiting to come into power ever since he was born!

      • I agree 100% NOT!
        Obama’s the Antichrist.
        You know it too even if you’re a bald-faced Leftist.

    • how could you think that your country has not already been driven into the ground…do you not look around you and see the state the nation is in.. Trump is a light at the end of the tunnel…he may not be a bright light… but far better there than deeper into the tunnel with any other current candidate.

      • Yeah, Obama’s the Antichrist.
        His Mark of the Beast of 666 is his money that he forces into our hands so that way he bankrupts us. That way he makes us slaves of the State and his personal slaves because Obama’s Satan-in-Person.

        • Go home, KOS, you’re drunk.

    • b4

      i can see one right here–the insane never know they are insane–they also think its everyone else–the country is already driven into the ground–yup-trump will put the dirt on the dead body–lets make you prez chicken lips–oh ,i forgot,you already believe you are!

    • NM156

      But clucker, tell us how you really feel ?? :lol: :grin: :mrgreen:

    • You are sooooooo correct Clucker. Sad to see so many make the mistake of repetition and again believing the same BS just like Obama spewed. The Trumptards have fallen hook, line, and sinker. Hillary should not even be allowed to run. But in this election there is no lesser of two evils. The two cousins come from the Babylonian Illuminati bloodline. NO good can come from this.

  • Trump is our last chance to support a real man who loves America and is loved back.

    Anyone who hates freedom and guns should support the Cabal and when they and will kill you, you know they loved you and were saving earth from you. Get it?

    The good news is the people you hate you not including the establishment will have guns to eliminate the fools and we true Americans will not stop them. The culling is coming. It’s natures way.

    How long do you think the people who live on us can survive without us?

    My guess is not long and thank God they hate guns and will simply be gone when they can not produce anything of value or take from those of who do have the ability to produce and defend themselves.

    • Nothing can stop Trump. He’ll blast out above Hillary. This is the moment we waited for when Obama the Antichrist gets revealed for fraud by Trump.

  • This is an American problem not a party problem. Time to put America first again. Trump 2016

    • Obama’s doomed.
      Trump’s rise is so strong.
      Obama can’t fend off the birthers like Trump now.
      He’ll be in jail fast as can be.

  • I am voting for Trump.

    • Trump’s the man!
      First he beat the GOP field.
      Now he’s beaten the DNC field too, so nothing can hold him back from joining with the birthers to rule the country now.

  • Real wealth is created by turning something less valuable into something more valuable. Find a straight stick in the forest, remove the twigs and bark, burn the end in a fire and work it to a point, now you have a spear. Or take coal and iron ore and forge it into steel, then use it to make trains and buildings and ships etc. America used to do that on a massive scale, but due to foolish trade practices, a lot of it has slipped away. No amount of paper shuffling can replace that function in society, if you want a wealthy society, it has to produce real wealth.

    But what’s worth making?

    Markets are like a collective mind, determining the correct price for things. Fluctuations in supply and demand and market responses to those fluctuations allow society to maintain balance and allocate resources responsibly. And it does it more intelligently and efficiently than any individual or small group ever could because it’s employing millions of minds.

    There is no single philosophy at play in a free market, different players have different ideas and strategies, and an outlying idea can rise to prominence simply based on the fact that it works. Political control is never that smart, it can’t be, it’s not diverse enough, it’s not free enough, it doesn’t employ enough people or try enough strategies simultaneously, or adjust those strategies as intelligently as the free market does. And the free market doesn’t consume government resources to employ all those minds or do all that work, if done right, it generates money for the government.

    Trump recognizes that, in fact he understands it viscerally, having lived it. I don’t think either of the Dems has any appreciation for wealth creation or the value of the free market.

    • Trump’ s a birther or you’ve not been following things.
      Historical statements he made will remain in the books in the future such as saying: “If Obama’s birth certificate is not in order, then Obama’s pulled off the greatest con of the history of politics.”
      Nothing can stop Trump from busting Obama for forgery now that he’s broken Hillary’s rise in the polls.

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