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Who Will It Be? Trump VP Selection to Begin Next Week

Saturday, May 21, 2016 10:41
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(Before It's News)

While the worst surrogate in history, Dr. Ben Carson, spilled the beans last week on what he thought was to be the short list of potential running mates for presumptive GOP nominee, Donald Trump, that list has been shuttled off, with Trump saying very few on that list were actually being considered.

Reports now are that the official vetting process for a potential running mate will begin next week.

From CNN:

Trump has repeatedly stressed that he would pick a running mate with political and government experience — versus a businessman like himself — whose relationships with powerful members of Congress could help him enact his agenda legislatively.

Trump has hired A.B. Culvahouse, a Washington attorney who vetted potential VP candidates for John McCain in 2008, to play the same role for him.

Yes, the Washington attorney who vetted Sarah Palin.

What could go wrong?

While some of the earlier names floated, such as Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio, have already nixed the idea of being running mate to a man who they both battled fiercely in the final months of their campaign, that hasn’t stopped the rumor mill from churning.

One of the more popular names being floated would be former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, viewed by many as an elder statesman who would bring legitimacy, along with a heavy background in policy to the table.

Former Texas Governor Rick Perry, who once stood in fierce opposition to Trump, is one of a few who has planted his feet firmly on the hill of party unity and is now willing to help out the nominee in any way he can.

Speaking to CNN on Friday:

“’I suspect I’m going to be helping him in a myriad ways — but if it’s the vice presidency, if a cabinet position is where he needs somebody with my experience then I’m not going to go back to Texas and say, ‘Aw shucks sir, I’m gonna go fishing.’ I’m gonna go serve my country,’ Perry told CNN backstage at the National Rifle Association’s annual meeting.”

“’Mr. Perfect left the building a long time ago,’ Perry added.”

Perry noted that Republicans should back the nominee, if for no other reason than to keep Hillary from appointing any liberal justice to replace Antonin Scalia.

The governor as VP would bring several decades of government experience, as well as conservative credentials to a ticket that is otherwise lacking.

Chris Christie and Jeff Sessions have been loyal surrogates, and both bring different levels of legitimacy and experience to the table.

Christie has already been made to look like a court jester by Trump on several occasions. One has to wonder if the normally outspoken Christie is allowing himself to be humiliated now, because of the hope of some higher government office.

Several women are also being suggested, such as Oklahoma Governor Mary Fallin and New Mexico Governor Susana Martinez.

While these may not be the strongest picks, the thought is that they may counter any negative attacks, regarding Trump’s sexism.

That is, if he could refrain from saying something completely stupid on the campaign trail, like asking that they fetch him coffee in the middle of a rally.

Not anything out of the realm of possibility with this clown.

Whoever he chooses, a great burden will be placed on their shoulders to not only balance out the ticket, but to appeal to the masses as a likable, qualified second-in-command. Their record will also have to counter the ineptitude and appalling nature of the candidate with the highest unfavorable rating in history.

Basically, whoever the toad chooses as his number two will bear the responsibility of saving the Republican party from perdition, if it is to be saved, at all.

The post Who Will It Be? Trump VP Selection to Begin Next Week appeared first on RedState.


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