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BREAKING: Chris Christie Being Vetted for Trump’s VP Slot

Thursday, June 30, 2016 10:41
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Chris Christie’s wildest dreams may come true, as his former rival turned BFF is vetting him for a VP position in the Trump Presidency.

Christie, of course, has been Trump’s most loyal of hands since ending his own campaign for President last year. Since then, the man has defended Trump after every gaffe, slip-up, and racist remark. Now, his loyalty has been recognized, and Trump is now considering to let Christie stand awkwardly behind him for the coming years as his Vice President.

An unnamed source has told CNN that Christie has begun filling out the paperwork necessary for the vetting process.

According to the New York Times, Christie has already taken to putting together the groundwork for a Trump Presidency, and transitioning into a more prominent role within the administration.

Already, Mr. Christie has begun the task of designing a government on Mr. Trump’s behalf. Tapped to lead Mr. Trump’s transition efforts, Mr. Christie has taken a role that some of his allies liken to that of a White House chief of staff, soliciting views on what a potential Trump administration should look like.

Mr. Christie has taken the transition process firmly in hand, according to people familiar with his activities, which have been kept from public view so far. He has enlisted his former top aide in Trenton, Richard H. Bagger, to help manage the transition team.

Whether Christie lands the job or not will be confirmed at the Republican National Convention in July.

The post BREAKING: Chris Christie Being Vetted for Trump’s VP Slot appeared first on RedState.


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