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David Jolly Drops Out Of Florida Senate Race

Friday, June 17, 2016 10:33
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(Before It's News)

Via The Hill:

Rep. David Jolly (R-Fla.) is ending his campaign for the Senate amid growing certainty that the incumbent, Marco Rubio, will reverse course and run for reelection.

Jolly is expected to make a formal announcement later on Friday.

On Friday morning, he said on CNN that Rubio is “saying he’s getting in” the Senate race.

Jolly said earlier this week he didn’t want to be subjected “to the whims” of Rubio’s final decision.

“I think ultimately he decides to get in. Clearly the orchestration by Republican leadership on the other side of the aisle has shown their hand as well, and I think ultimately he accepts their recruiting effort to get back in,” Jolly said.

More and more signals are appearing that Senator Marco Rubio is getting back in the race. Jolly is now out, after having said earlier this morning that Rubio was going to run. Just two days ago, Florida Lieutenant Governor and Rubio confidant Carlos Lopez-Cantera said he would step aside if Rubio wants to keep the job. The excitement is building as we approach the June 24 deadline for Rubio to file to run if that is his choice.

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