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Oregon Progressive Party Still Needs You Back (or will be dissolved in August)
We need another 70 members to return to the warm embrace of the Oregon Progressive Party.
As you know, the Oregon Progressive Party endorsed Bernie in the Oregon Primary. Over 700 members switched from Progressive to Democratic in order to vote for Bernie.
Some members have returned, but we still need 70 more to come home to the party that supports Bernie's policies and principles. Otherwise, the Oregon Progressive Party will be terminated in August under Oregon law.
You can return to the Oregon Progressive Party at
or just internet search for “Oregon register vote.”
Bernie says that his supporters should get involved in politics at the state and local level. That is what the Oregon Progressive Party does. If terminated, we will no longer be able to:
Come Home to the Progressive Party.
Thank you!
David Delk
Chair, Oregon Progressive Party
[email protected]