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By Bunkerville, God, Guns and Guts
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Convicted terrorists by country of origin

Saturday, June 25, 2016 5:18
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While we are being accused of xenophobia and other assorted methods of bigotry, the facts presented below, as well as a handy-dandy chart listing the countries of origin of the convicted terrorists here in the USA, should give pause to any thinking person as to why we are questioning bringing in tens of thousands more of so-called refugees. Time to follow up on those who overstay their visas. Here we go:

Senator Jeff Sessions’ Immigration Subcommittee has published a study of persons convicted in terror crimes and the results are not promising for the safety of the nation. Forty of those foreigners were refugees, which should be a warning about Obama’s project to admit 10,000 unscreenable Syrian refugees during this fiscal year. Why continue to import potential enemies who want to kill Americans? What kind of government does that?

Here’s the report issued from Senator Sessions’ office:

At Least 580 Individucals Convicted in Terror Cases since 9/11, at Least 380 Are Foreign Born, Senator Sessions Office, June 22, 2016

WASHINGTON—Based on open-source research conducted on a list provided by the Department of Justice, the Subcommittee on Immigration and the National Interest has determined that at least380 of the 580 individuals convicted of terrorism or terrorism-related offenses between September 11, 2001 and December 31, 2014, were born abroad.

On August 12, 2015, December 3, 2015, and January 11, 2016, letters were sent to the Departments of Justice, Homeland Security, and State, requesting the immigration histories of individuals implicated in terrorism since early 2014. For over 10 months, the Obama Administration has refused to provide this crucial and easily accessible information. Since sending the last letter on January 11, however, the Subcommittee has identified 18 additional individuals implicated in terrorism since early 2014 – bringing the total to 131, of whom at least 16 were initially admitted to the United States as refugees, and at least 17 of whom are the natural-born citizen children of immigrants.

However, the Department of Justice (DOJ) did provide the Subcommittee with a list it maintains of 580 individuals not only implicated, but convicted, of terrorism or terrorism-related offenses between September 11, 2001 and December 31, 2014. DOJ has deferred to the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to provide immigration background information regarding these individuals, but to this day, DHS has not done so – despite having the information on the foreign-born easily accessible in its records and databases.

Using this list, the Subcommittee conducted open-source research and determined that at least 380 of the 580 were foreign-born (71 were confirmed natural-born, and the remaining 129 are not known).

Of the 380 foreign-born, at least 24 were initially admitted to the United States as refugees, and at least 33 had overstayed their visas. Additionally, of those born abroad, at least 62 were from Pakistan, 28 were from Lebanon, 22 were Palestinian, 21 were from Somalia, 20 were from Yemen, 19 were from Iraq, 16 were from Jordan, 17 were from Egypt, and 10 were from Afghanistan.


Because the Subcommittee does not have access to the Administration’s databases and files, it continues to lack critical information on most of the individuals on the list. Additionally, the list provided by the Department of Justice does not include cases that are sealed, have otherwise not been made public, or that have been handled strictly through civil immigration proceedings (as terror cases often are).

This information, when considered in light of four major terror attacks in the United States in roughly the past year, alone – Garland, Texas; Chattanooga, Tennessee; San Bernardino, California; and, Orlando, Florida – makes clear that the United States lacks the ability to properly screen individuals prior to their arrival to the United States. It further makes clear that our nation has a serious assimilation problem. Yet, the Obama Administration has not only refused to provide the requested immigration information of these individuals, but it persists in its desire to continue admitting more aliens from many of these high-risk areas of the world, including at least 6,000 more Syrian refugees between now and September 30.

Last week, in response to the terrorist attack in Orlando, Sen. Sessions said the “President’s failure to accept the reality of the threat we face has only emboldened our enemies, and we should expect more attacks like this one unless this Administration’s dangerous policies dramatically change. This colossal failure of leadership endangers us all.”

More at VDare

Filed under: Immigration, War on Terror Tagged: Immigraitions, Islam, Muslim, Refugees, terrorists


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