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Democrats On Failed Gun Control Amendments: “GOP Is Selling Weapons to ISIS”

Tuesday, June 21, 2016 9:17
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(Before It's News)

elizabeth warren2

This is not a quote taken out of context. This is not something implied by another. These were the words of a United States Senator (echoed later by another). Democrat Chris Murphy said this without reservation and said it’s something Democrats should continue to do.

Here are his exact words:

“We’ve got to make this clear, constant case that Republicans have decided to sell weapons to ISIS,” Murphy said, using an alternative term for the Islamic State militant group. “That’s what they’ve decided to do. ISIS has decided that the assault weapon is the new airplane, and Republicans, in refusing to close the terror gap, refusing to pass bans on assault weapons, are allowing these weapons to get in the hands of potential lone-wolf attackers. We’ve got to make this connection and make it in very stark terms.”

There’s no chance at any kind of rebuke from his fellow Democrats on this. In fact, one was openly supporting this:

It’s all a bunch of garbage. This will be used for fundraising purposes. The amendments offered up would not have prevented Omar Mateen from acquiring his weapons. If bans worked, 130 people would not have been killed in Paris last November. That’s when ISIS terrorists, using guns completely banned in France managed to kill 130 people and injure 368.

The media of course, will pay this no mind to this kind of rhetoric, but spend days covering Trump calling Warren, ‘Pocahontas.’

The post Democrats On Failed Gun Control Amendments: “GOP Is Selling Weapons to ISIS” appeared first on RedState.


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