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Does Trump hava a Greenlight From The US Military-Intelligence Services?

Monday, June 6, 2016 8:26
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(Before It's News)

read it all here…..Catherine Austin Fitts: Trump Has A Greenlight From The US Military-Intelligence Services | Video Rebel’s Blog

………… Nobody seems to understand the significance of Trump having a Greenlight.

These men are at the highest levels of the US Military and
Intelligence circles. They know that if Hillary wins in November, they
are at a bare minimum ending their careers and quite possibly in some
cases signing their death warrants.

That would include former head of the Defense Intelligence
Agency, Lt. General Michael Flynn. He said Obama made ISIS what it is.
The general is now working with Donald Trump.

Of course these men have access to Hillary’s emails as does Putin,
the Chinese, the Iranians and just about any spy agency with a computer.
And they probably know of the frauds committed by Bill, Hillary and
Chelsea Clinton at their Foundation. Charles Ortel told us that the
Clintons siphoned off more than $100 billion from donations to their
Foundation. That money was intended for the victims of hurricane
Katrina, the Haitian earthquake in 2010 and Africans suffering from AIDS
amongst others.

Who is so cruel that they would steal billions of dollars from
Haitian people so poor they are reduced to eating mud pies? #Cruel
Hillary is. That’s who……

……………. The US Military and Intelligence services might very well be aware that
America cannot survive 4 more years of corruption if combined with a
devastating economic collapse far worse than 1933………..

………….That Greenlight to send Hillary to jail could easily take down the
Bush Crime family as well. They helped the Clintons steal billions in
relief efforts. It might even get out of hand and the American voters
could learn that Israel did 911. They might even demand criminal
investigations into dozens of other murders ranging from Michael
Hastings to JFK, RFK, MLK Jr and JFK Jr.

We have never before experienced a political and economic volcano of this magnitude.

Al we do know is that Donald Trump was given a Greenlight for Phase One. What happens next? Who knows?


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