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By The Great Marduck
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Evil H.R. Bill 5181 Kills Freedom of Speech

Tuesday, June 21, 2016 0:16
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(Before It's News)

Introduced by Congressmen Adam Kinzinger and Ted Lieu on June 8th, very quietly.  This bill authorizes twenty-million in funding to set up what many call the Orwellian Ministry of Truth.

Under the guise of stopping foreign propaganda– this bill is all about stopping domestic freedom of speech, allowing the government to create technologies and techniques to stop online and social media commentary that does not speak “the truth” according to a non-elected appointed committee that is chaired by the (DNI) Director of National Intelligence, who is a Trilateral Commission member, working for the Bilderbergs.

Connecting the dots, globalism means Bilderberg global take over, and the Trilateral Commission is the action task force created by the Bilderbergs; their logo incidentally is 666.  It is well documented that the Bilderberg’s are the remnants of the Nazi Party and no surprise they are seeking another world empire. 

It is extremely important that every American floods this story around the net and contact your congress person to stop this bill.

You may have also noticed on the Orlando Shooting, the Obama Administration keeps equating Radical Islamic Terrorism with Right Wing Terrorism, that is code word for Tea Party and Conservatives.  

They are using foreign enemies and terrorism; as the excuse to get their censorship system in place, then turn it on conservatives, tea party, veterans, patriots, and any media (including online web sites and radio) that does not agree with the establishment narrative, questions 911, Orlando, or Bilderberg policy for example. 

Related Links to Read:

H.R. 5181 Establishes Orwellian, Ministry of Truth

DHS Claims Right Wing Extremists Are As Dangerous as Radical Islamic Terrorists




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