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Former Clinton Aide to Take the Fifth

Thursday, June 2, 2016 5:26
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Bryan Pagliano, the former State Department IT specialist who set up and maintained Hillary Clinton’s private email server, will plead the fifth.

From Politico:

Lawyers for former State Department tech specialist Bryan Pagliano said in a court filing Wednesday that there’s no valid reason to make an audio or video recording of the session since Pagliano doesn’t plan to answer any of the questions he’s asked by the conservative group Judicial Watch, which is pursuing a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit related to Clinton’s private email server. The group is scheduled to take Pagliano’s deposition on Monday.

“Mr. Pagliano will invoke his right under the Fifth Amendment and decline to testify at the deposition,” Pagliano’s lawyers Mark MacDougall and Connor Mullin wrote.

PLEAD THE FIFTH. Get it? It’s essentially an admission that there was criminal behavior, or close to it.

Last Friday, Clinton State Department chief of staff, Cheryl Mills, refused to answer scores of questions during a deposition in a civil suit related Judicial Watch suit, claiming attorney-client privilege.

Meantime, the State Department can’t find any of Mr. Pagliano’s emails from the period when Clinton was Secretary of State. Can you say coverup?


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