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By Bunkerville, God, Guns and Guts
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Supreme Court slaps Obama down again, 23 unanimous decisions against him

Friday, June 24, 2016 5:24
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With the Brexit passage, little is being said about the latest loss of Obama with the Supremes. After his petulant pouting yesterday, he had to admit his immigration bonanza is on hold. This latest loss doesn’t count all of the cases of Obama over reaching that never makes it to the top court. Stunning the number of unanimous decisions that went against him.That includes his two picks now on the court. Info below is from two Cato posts:

It has the worst record of any modern presidency, whether you count in absolute won-loss..

In the first 6.5 years of Obama’s presidency (January 2009 to June 2015), the government lost unanimously at the Supreme Court 23 times, an average of 3.62 cases per year.

And that record has only grown in the last few months. This week the government suffered its fifth unanimous loss of the year – matching its dubious achievement in 2013 with 25 cases still left to be decided – in a property-rights case in which Cato filed an amicus briefU.S. Army Corps of Engineers v. Hawkes Co.

Earlier this year, I documented the Obama administration’s abysmal results before the Supreme Court (the two Obamacare cases excepted). Not only is its overall winning percentage much worse than any other modern presidency, but its spate of unanimous losses is truly record-breaking.

These cases have nothing in common, other than the government’s view that federal power is virtually unlimited: Citizens must subsume their liberty to whatever the experts in a given field determine the best or most useful policy to be. If the government can’t get even one justice to agree with it on any of these unrelated cases, it should realize there’s something seriously wrong with its constitutional vision.

More from two posts: at Cato and at Cato

Filed under: Supreme Court Tagged: Civil Liberties, Law, News, Obama, Politics


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