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X22Report DHS Issues a US Advisory Alert Until the End of This Year – Episode 999b

Thursday, June 16, 2016 17:23
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DHS Issues A US Advisory Alert Until The End Of This Year – Episode 999b – YouTube

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Report date: 06.16.2016

MS804 black box has been found.

Kiev is stalling on the Minks II ceasefire agreement.

NATO warns that Russia is building military zones in their own country on their borders.

NATO wants to rotate ships in the Black Sea.

South Korea is holding sea drills to provoke North Korea.

US Navy is now sending more ships to the South China Sea.

John Kerry says that the US is not going to sit there while Russia and Syria attack Aleppo.

CIA says the IS is planning attacks on the west.

DHS just issued a terrorist advisory for the US until the end of this year.

Be prepared for other false flags.

All source links to the report can be found on the site.


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Total 4 comments
  • Washington is a pack of traitors, and they will get us all killed! There are numorous prophesies about russia and china destroying the U.S. The fatima prophesies say russia will attack suddenly and anialate many countries! We’ll be lucky if we are here 2 years from now! Washington, and nato, are a bunch of reckless fools, and their NWO will last a whole 7 years!

  • More evidence of false flag on FL. Explain this? Club closed on Sunday and only has 9 parking spaces. Wow!

    Pulse Club Was Closed When They Were Attacked!?

    • Stop it, Ideas Time.

      This lead-in on your links, “Pulse club closed on Sunday..” is a big mistake here, making you look bad.
      Rather than re-explain my point I’ll repeat a previous comment made out to you on another page:


      EXPLAIN THIS from your link:

      Pulse Club Was Closed When They Were Attacked!?
      june 17, 2016 dianne marshall5 comments
      Wow….just wow. Did anyone in the news explain how a shooting took place in a packed night club on the day it is always closed? Sunday June 13th? SUNDAY? They are closed on Sundays! There is a lot of explaining to do. Check the link below to confirm the shooting took place on Sunday!

      Sunday June 13?? NO.

      Try Sunday June 12. – Saturday night, the 11th.. after midnight is Sunday the 12th. The club was open for the “Puerto Rican Invasion Event” at Pulse Saturday night into Sunday the 12th.

      You know, it’s disinformation like this that helps discredit real evidence and circumstances related to what may well be a conspiracy.
      Just try telling someone that it was all a conspiracy, because the club was closed Sunday the 13th, and come off as credible.

      Please be more careful.

      JUN 17, 2016, 8:50 AM

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