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Hillary Clinton: Donald Trump Will Use the US Military To Go After His Critics (VIDEO)

Wednesday, July 13, 2016 11:20
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(Before It's News)

Hillary Clinton was on the road today in Illinois where she gave a speech at the historic Illinois Statehouse where Abraham Lincoln gave his 1858 “House Divided” speech. Where she gave the standard progressive pap of gun control and class warfare. While recirculating liberal bromides, she managed to deliver on telling attack on Donald Trump:

Imagine if Trump had not just Twitter to go after critics and opponents, but also the IRS—or our military. Do you think he’d be restrained?

— Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton) July 13, 2016

Indeed. Just imagine.

Look, I’ll take second place to no man in my contempt for Donald Trump but the idea that Trump would use the military to attack his critics… and that the military would go along with the plan… is nothing short of being both bizarre and libel.

The real question is how do you think a woman who made it her mission in life to intimidate, discredit, punish, and otherwise silence the many women her husband had sexually abused would react to critics? How do you think the woman who deliberately, according to the FBI and the State Department IG, set out to evade rather minor and inoffensive federal records laws and then lied to everyone about her role would react to political opponents? Would a woman who was part of an administration that did use the IRS to target political opponents be reticent about doing the same herself? How can a woman whose political career has consisted of sleeping her way to the top and abusing the power she has attained along the way possibly accuse anyone else of being prone to also abusing power?

This is a sad election cycle. The old bumper sticker (Louisiana, 1991) that said “Vote for the crook. It’s important” is no longer able to guide us as we are forced to choose between two equally immoral and amoral people who lack the mental horsepower and temperament to be president.

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