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When radio presenter Andy Carrington Hitchcock invited me to explain what measures I would prioritise if I were to become British premier I immediately reached for my Nation Repair manual. Here then is a synopsis of measures I propose. Ironically, such measures provide the reasons why the governing regime, protected by the media and police, will stop at nothing to ensure such a threat to their cosy stitch-up would never succeed.
At least one bank would be nationalised. This bank would operate independently of privately owned banks, financial houses and interests. Such bank will be accountable to the elected assembly’s relevant body. Privately owned banks and institutions to be carefully regulated and made publicly accountable. No bank would be able to access public funds or institutions.
All political institutions, their members and members of immediate families would be required to reveal for analysis complete details of income, assets, and financial, political and social interests. The same applies to heads of government departments, especially procurement; Civil Service mandarins, heads of police and media editors.
There would be searching analysis of all financial transactions and investments of the governing elite and establishment. All public debt would be investigated and renegotiated. A transfer of excessive bank interest to public funds would take place which in turn would be invested in reconstruction in the infrastructure and public sector. This would create jobs, spending power and tax returns to the government rather than the banks. The practice of usury will be outlawed.
The purpose of government is to serve the national interest not political ideology. The sole responsibility of legislators is race and nation. There is no place for political division and rivalry in a nation’s governing system. Those seeking representative position will be obliged to choose between political and national interests.
Political parties are as irrelevant to governance as they are to matters concerning the Church or organisations of a religious nature. Similarly, the infusion of any political interest into the world of business and economy are anathema. Administration accountability: Legislators each year will be called to public account to report on the previous year’s progress. Candidates for political office will be first endorsed by their chosen constituency’s electorate by a process of referendum. Any seat must be contested by at least two candidates.
FULL CITIZENSHIP will be the right to all ethnic indigenous citizens of the British Isles and Northern Ireland able to supply evidence of entitlement such as family background. Such citizens will enjoy unhindered access to voting and electoral rights and legislative opportunities.
RIGHT OF RESIDENCE will be the right and prerogative of ethnic European citizens but neither voting nor legislative rights will be permitted.
LIMITED RESIDENCE and citizen access applied to non-Europeans. Also to those whose lifestyle choice rejects the principles of nationhood and ethnic race integrity. This would include marriage or relationship outside of one’s ethnicity. This edict would apply only to those who have made such choice and whose family includes any of non-European ethnicity and would not apply to family members. Those of non-European ethnicity will be denied citizenship, voting and rights to legislate with limitations on investments made.
An alternative to the defunct European Union will be suggested to which participating European nations adhering to the principles of the new government will be invited to participate.
Existing alliances and so-called special relationship status such as that of the United States and Israel will be curtailed. No Member of Parliament will be allowed to prescribe to any non-British interest such as Friends of Israel. Peaceful co-existence and a policy of mutual co-operation in all matters such as trade, foreign policy and national integrity will be encouraged.
A Britons First policy will be written into employment legislation. All reverse discrimination to be repealed. Job application process will be prioritised on ethnicity subject to citizen status, qualification, experience and recommendation. Workers will appoint by election at least one delegate to represent the workforce at directorship level.
Those holding dual citizenship of any nation whose philosophical or religious tenets are hostile to ethnic-European interests to be excluded from public office and employment opportunities. Those wishing to set up business in Britain must abide by the Britons first policy.
Britain due to his generous and inequitable access to benefits has attracted and embraced millions of non-indigenous peoples. Denial of such unearned rights will lead to a reverse flow of immigration. Access to all benefits including use of infrastructure will be curtailed for those who have not contributed to such infrastructure.
Following World War II a policy of White emigration was sponsored by which indigenous Britons, assisted by government subsidy, exiled themselves from their homeland. A similar programme would be initiated that would apply to settlers of non-indigenous ethnicity. Encouragement, reference and and assistance will be offered to ethnic Europeans such as South Africans, Australians, and Canadians if wishing to return to their British homeland.
Land ownership for the purpose of investment only will be severely restricted. All such applications scrutinised and alien request to land investment vetted and monitored. All foreign investment subject to regulation and evidence provided of equitable returns on behalf of the nation.
No British media will be subject to foreign control; all investment in media will be scrutinised. Editorial staff must be ethnically European and open to procedures of professional and financial accountability. Employment opportunities in media will not be based on reverse discrimination. CVs will not be worded in such a way as to exclude anyone on account of their political or spiritual persuasions.
Is contribution based or on reciprocal arrangement. As most medical conditions are created by lifestyle choice a programme of educational health education will be initiated and healthy lifestyle sponsored by the relevant state authorities. The aim will be prevention is better than cure.
This industry cries out for reform and regulation on humane methods of husbandry and food production. Such will be addressed as a priority. Vivisection will be outlawed as will transport of livestock that is carried out for economic advantage. Shechita methods of slaughter will be punishable.
Any whose past employment served the replaced regime will be over time required to re-apply for their positions. Based on procedures associated to moral probity, financial integrity and ethnic-interest awareness there will be searching analysis of each applicant’s previous record in their service to the outgoing state. Priority of investigation in this respect will be applied to the police and all law enforcement agencies.
All educators, civil servants, those employed in the public sector will attend courses the aim of which is to detoxify and re-educate in values appertaining to scientific race values.
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