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CNN Anchor Suggests Sexism at Play in Hillary Email Scandal

Wednesday, July 6, 2016 16:24
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(Before It's News)

The egregious Don Lemon, the Leftist host on the supposedly neutral CNN, is at it again.

“One thing is for sure: The men at the top are going to have a lot to say about you,” he says of Hillary as he introduces FBI Director’s blistering comments about Hillary Clinton.

One thing about Donald Trump is that he breaks through the political correctness barrier. He’s already insulted everyone. While he’s gone too far in some cases, he also liberates himself from the strictures of political correctness, and that’s why some the decent people supporting him will roll with it.

Hillary’s planned default defense, that people are attacking her because she’s a woman, might have worked with Mitt Romney or John McCain, but it doesn’t fly with Trump.


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