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By Luis Miranda, The Real Agenda
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Killary: Reinventing a War Criminal and a Racketeer

Friday, July 15, 2016 7:11
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Her deplorable record as me-first lady/co-president with husband Bill, US senator and secretary of state is too great a challenge for Houdini to reinvent. Yet Democrat image-makers try. Trump’s persona is Trump – outspoken to a fault, some of his views outrageously over-the-top, erroneously perceived to be anti-establishment, last man standing among an deplorable array Republican aspirants. Clinton presents herself as polar opposite her real persona, a war goddess/she-devil, self-serving, power-crazed racketeer – a thinly veiled facade concealing her disturbing villainy, her agenda a threat to fundamental freedoms and world peace. Killary calling Trump “dangerous” to US democracy ignores its nonexistence, along with her deplorable public record since the 1990s – supporting governance exclusively in the hands of its privileged class, transformed post-9/11 into a fascist police state, waging endless wars, threatening world peace, bipartisan neocons in charge, taking turns running things. In Springfield, IL, on the grounds of the Old State Capital, where Lincoln once said “(a) house divided against itself cannot stand,” the most divisive, insensitive, war-mongering, ruthless protector of privilege over populism in memory preached unity “with liberty and justice for all…the last best hope (on) earth.” What utter rubbish! Two-thirds of US voters consider her dishonest and untrustworthy. Francis Boyle calls her “a psychopath and a war criminal.” James Petras said she’s “a proven political psychopath.” According to Paul Craig Roberts, she’s “a crazed and incompetent criminal,” the worst possible choice for US president – or any public office anywhere. I’ve called her ruthlessly dangerous numerous times, the greatest ever threat to world peace, a trigger-happy lunatic favoring war over diplomacy, believing what good is NATO if not unleashed – WW III on her watch if elected a coin flip. Americans are uninformed, indifferent, and out-of-touch – disturbingly ignorant, detached from reality, mindless of threats too great to ignore. They don’t know or care about bipartisan lunatics in Washington, goading Russia and China recklessly to war – today’s super-weapons making WW I and II ones look like toys. Would any rational person vote for Killary or Trump? One of them will be president next year. The latest New York Times/CBS News poll shows them tied, each with 40% support – a scant 28% of voters viewing her positively compared to 30% for Trump. Whoever wins in November, humanity loses – America the greatest threat to world peace in history, stoking global war winds heading toward gale force.

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