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SHOCK. Donald Trump Had Brother’s Children Cut Out His Father’s Will; Reneged On Promised Medical Help Of Child

Friday, July 22, 2016 12:38
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I know you are all going to be as shocked as I am to discover that Donald Trump would actually connive to have his own brother’s children cut out of the will of their father, Fred Trump Sr., who was suffering from senile dementia… something that seems to be an inherited condition. You would be further heart-broken and gobsmacked to learn that even though he had promised to pay the medical bills of an infant nephew who had cerebral palsy. But truth, as they say, is stranger than fiction.

Donald Trump’s tumultuous relationship with his older brother was capped off by the brother’s children being cut out of Trump’s father’s will, according to a Saturday report in The New York Times.

When Donald Trump’s father, Fred Sr., died in 1999, the roughly $20 million inheritance was divided up among his children and their descendants, “other than my son Fred C. Trump Jr.,” according to the Times.

Donald Trump had helped draft the will. At the time, Freddy Trump’s children sued, claiming Donald Trump and his siblings had used “undue influence” over their grandfather, who had dementia.

Donald retaliated by withdrawing the medical benefits he had promised to his nephew’s infant son, who suffered from seizures that led to cerebral palsy, according to the Times.

“I was angry because they sued,” Trump told the Times.

Did you learn anything new here? Did you not know Donald Trump was greedy? Or dishonest? Or without even a vestigial sense of decency? Or petty? This is the problem oppo researchers are going to have with Donald Trump. No matter what you tell us he did, we know. It is already baked in our view of Trump. His supporters are going to laugh about this and cheer on Trump for cutting a great deal and punishing losers, like his brother and his family. The only way you can hurt Donald Trump’s image is to find that he was secretly giving money to Mother Theresa.

The post SHOCK. Donald Trump Had Brother’s Children Cut Out His Father’s Will; Reneged On Promised Medical Help Of Child appeared first on RedState.


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