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X22Report US Using Events to Bring Forces Together for the Next Push in the Middle East – Episode 1023b

Friday, July 15, 2016 18:34
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US Using Events To Bring Forces Together For The Next Push In The Middle East – Episode 1023b – YouTube

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Report date: 07.15.2016

US warns armed forces not to interfere with the day of rage.

UN troops were mandated to protect civilians in Sudan, they did not.

Ukrainian forces probing the defenses of the Donbass area.

Russia placing the S400 missile system on Crimea.

Iraq warns the people do not protest against the government.

US lied again they did not kill the IS leader.

FBI and DHS warns of riots in the RNC.

False flag in France used to bring France back into the fold along with other European countries to get ready to fight Assad.

This new false flag will take away rights from the people explain why France will increase attacks in Syria.

All source links to the report can be found on the site.


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Total 1 comment
  • The Biblical “Prophecy” is that Damascus will be destroyed. ISIS will flee over the border into Jordan, then re-group to attack Jerusalem.
    There, the Muslims themselves will be blamed for the destruction of the Dome of the Rock. Destroyed as a “Casualty of War”, an ISIS HQ, ammo dump, or rebel hideout/rally point…….by a drone, accidental explosion or Israeli Defense Forces.

    Prophecy ~ like the Temple at Palmyra, they will try to destroy the Temple at Baalbek (Christians destroying Pagan churches under the guise of IS, really International Security)

    #@ CORPUS SEPERATUM ……the UN plan to class Jerusalem as an International Zone of Security Council. This plan fell apart with Arab-Israeli wars which led to Israel capturing Jerusalem. The UN immediately set up the Committee on Jerusalem > France, Turkey & the USA…….Where is Israel represented?

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