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An ‘Unseen Hand’ plagues Hillary, Dems and NWO in 2016 US Election

Monday, August 15, 2016 18:55
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An ‘Unseen Hand’ plagues Hillary, Dems and NWO in 2016 US Election
Is it just me, or have you noticed/sensed this too?

Remember all the high-powered references to the “Clinton Machine” in days gone by? If you were up against the ‘Clinton Machine’ you were apparently facing an insurmountable challenge.

Apparently that was then … and this is now … because that ‘machine’, in this election cycle, seems plagued with sand, rocks and monkey wrenches in the works that come out of the blue and are keeping the whole Hillary campain in disarray and on the defensive against a myriad of skeletons falling out of Clinton closets almost daily!

Who could possibly orchestrate this? It’s as if some unseen ‘force’ is sabotaging Hillary’s campain at every step. You can speculate on the what and who depending on your own perspecives … but, nomatter what, her campain is being slapped hard at each step by a combination of whistleblowers, revelations from emails, her apparent health & fitness issues and her shady track record on so many issues past and present.

To be clear, the word “sabotage” has a connotation most gravitate to instinctively … one of doing something wrong as opposed to something good. In this case the key element is that “sabotage” is revealed truths, not implanted falsehoods.

Hillary’s (non)performance as Sec State … Benghazi and more; her lies about email as outlined by Comey; the serious questions about the Clinton Foundation; the number of Clinton-connected people dead under very questionable circumstances … it goes on and on … and Hillary seems to spend more time defending accusations/allegations than she can or does promoting the case for her elegibility to be President. Hell, she was fired from the Watergate investigation for unethical practices too!

Up until recently she seemed pretty ‘forceful’ on the stump … lately she seems clearly to be melting down … possibly due to facing pressure from Trump she never expected to? And pressure from having to face a phalanx of legitimate questions about her past, and looking also at the prospect of RICO charges. Even MSM reporters are now catching on to the facts and conundrums of everything “Clinton”.

When have you ever seen a campain come so unglued … especially at this level?

See my past post for more on this /politics/2016/07/hillary-to-resign-presidential-bid-2827500.html Hillary would need only two days in office to seal all her records (like Obama did) and pardon her ‘special’ friends before handing off to Tim Kaine … is that the goal?

Unless you are totally dependent on MSM news coverage, you must have been seeing this going on too.

If you care about the country and your children, grand children and family … DO NOT stay home on election day assuming it will all work out. Turnout MUST make sure that election fraud cannot succeed … because if the Dem primaries are any indication at all, there will be lots of it going on.

Michael Rivero ( suggests taping a “T” to your shirt after voting and when you are a legal distance from the polling place. Roger Stone ( is recruiting people to watch polling places. Each idea is designed to make any fraud attempt as difficult as possible.

The future of the united States of America is at stake … act accordingly

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