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Clinton Claims a 7 Lead Over Trump In Latest Poll

Thursday, August 25, 2016 13:10
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(Before It's News)

A poll released Thursday by Quinnipiac is showing that Trump is not doing any better against Clinton. According to CNN, the Democratic nominee is cleaning house with Republicans, despite Trump’s best efforts to rebrand.

The latest findings from Quinnipiac University found Clinton claiming the support of 45% of likely voters, with Trump garnering 38%. Ten percent of likely voters back Libertarian candidate Gary Johnson, according to the Quinnipiac poll, while Green Party candidate Jill Stein has the support of 4% of voters.

According to the poll, Gary Johnson is enjoying 10% of the vote, with Stein trailing with 4%. Johnson needs 5 more points in order to achieve a spot at the debate stage alongside Clinton and Trump, and at his rate of growth, he may come very close to getting it.

Without Johnson and Stein, however, Clinton’s lead would be even larger.

Clinton’s lead over Trump swells without the third-party candidates included, Quinnipiac found. In a head-to-head with the Republican nominee, Clinton garners 51% and leads by 10.

This poll was conducted from 18-24th in August, so there’s no telling what the numbers look like now that Trump has reversed his famous stance on immigration, and alienating his base. Knowing Trump’s supporters, they’ll shift right along with him, as Ann Coulter has.

Whether or not Trump’s pandering to the point of adopting Jeb Bush’s stances on immigration will help him will have to be seen in the next poll. Until then, Clinton is resting comfortably in the lead.

The post Clinton Claims a 7 Lead Over Trump In Latest Poll appeared first on RedState.


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