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Fear Clinton, Not Trump

Monday, August 15, 2016 8:02
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From a piece I have running in LifeZette today. Donald Trump may say some worrisome stuff, but Hillary Clinton’s actual record is more concern for alarm.

From the piece.

As Donald Trump continues his string of controversial utterances, polite types in the GOP Establishment are clenching their stress balls. Some voters, even Republicans, are reportedly considering the “safer” alternative of Hillary Clinton.

But talk is talk. Trump says a lot of things for effect and to snag free media. Sometimes he’s having some fun or being sarcastic, and the ponderous politically correct, whose language policing doesn’t allow for subtlety, takes him literally.

But one thing is crystal clear, and it should cause voters to question whether they are fleeing to much more dangerous ground with Hillary: the actual records of Clinton and Trump. That is, what they did — not what they said. And a look at Hillary Clinton’s performance as secretary of state should prompt grave concern and even fear about her judgment and temperament.

Please read the rest of the article on LifeZette.


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