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A multi-partisan activist group established to expose and resist US imperialism, corpora-terrorism, and the New World Order
Germany to require citizens to stockpile supplies in case of catastrophe – report | 21 Aug 2016 | A civil defense plan to be debated by the cabinet would require citizens to stockpile supplies in case of a catastrophe. The plan says people should prepare for an unlikely event that “could threaten our existence.” For the first time since the end of the Cold War, the German government plans to encourage its citizens to prepare for a catastrophe or armed attack by stockpiling food, water and other supplies, the “Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung” (FAS) reported on Sunday. Citing the government's “Concept for Civil Defense” paper to be discussed by the cabinet on Wednesday, the government will require people to stock 10 days worth of food and five days of worth of drinking water.