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I watched Hillary’s big speech this afternoon on Donald Trump and the Alt-Right .
The speech had been hyped by the media as an attack on the Alt-Right. We have been eagerly anticipating the attack for days now. After watching the speech though, I was struck by the fact that Hillary wasn’t so much attacking the Alt-Right as much as she was agreeing with us on one our central arguments.
The cornerstone of the Alt-Right has always been its critique and rejection of mainstream conservatism. The Alt-Right is composed of disparate factions, but the one thing that unites the Alt-Right is its hostility to the conservative movement. Donald Trump is a somewhat unifying figure, but the Alt-Right’s rejection of conservatism goes back years before he arrived on the scene. I can say without exaggeration that more people on the Alt-Right hate conservatism than support Donald Trump. In fact, the Alt-Right’s support for Trump in the primary was driven by its antipathy toward conservatism.
The “cuckservative” slur emerged last summer when the Alt-Right began targeting mainstream conservatives on Twitter. To be perfectly honest, the Alt-Right relishes fighting mainstream conservatives more than fighting Hillary Clinton and the Left. Why is that? Why does the Alt-Right hate mainstream conservatism so much?
It’s because the Alt-Right has a grudging respect for the Left. The Democrats are composed of a number of client groups: LGBTs, Asians, Hispanics, Jews, blacks, environmentalists, SJWs, Wall Street donors and so on. The Democrats aren’t at war with their own base. They identify with their base. They aren’t ashamed of it. Liberal pundits aren’t constantly antagonizing their base and signaling to their base how much they agree with the Republicans. They deliver substantial victories for their base. They’re not champions of our interests, but they are legitimate champions of the groups they represent. Hillary is just a machine politician.
The cuckservative is the exact opposite of a faithful champion. They are not champions of the rightwing base they claim to represent. They are a group of rent seeking frauds who are running a scam on White America. The vast majority of them are secretly ashamed and embarrassed of their base. There are plenty of cuckservative pundits who will now say this openly. Many are them are just grifters who graduated with journalism degrees and landed a job in the corrupt apparatus of Conservatism, Inc.
By definition, a cuckservative is a weak man or woman who suffers from status anxiety. They are people who engage in failure theater for the sake of perpetuating a financial racket. They honestly don’t want to win. They crave defeat and humiliation. A cuckservative is someone who craves “respectability” that can only be bestowed upon them by their leftist peers. They are constantly virtue signaling to their leftist peers on television and online how much they desire their praise and respectability, for instance, the highly coveted title of not being seen as a racist, or being seen as “one of the good ones.”
The Alt-Right perceives this loyalty/disloyalty divide as the cardinal feature of conservatism. That’s why they draw an analogy between mainstream conservatism and an adulterous wife and her punked, humiliated, cuckolded husband. A cuckservative is always waiting for an opportunity to signal his or her disdain for the people who are supposedly the political allies and clients. They are born losers whose weakness invites aggression.
Hillary Clinton agrees with our analysis. That’s why she is singling out the cucks for praise in her speech below. She knows they are harmless. She knows they have only been pretending to oppose the Left to perpetuate their own lucrative careers. She knows they want their base to lose the election. She knows all the cuckservative pundits in their #NeverTrump circle jerk are signaling 24/7 on Twitter their readiness to stab the base in the back in order to *prove* they are “one of the good ones”:
“Hillary Clinton’s speech today on Donald Trump and the “alt-right” was, in no small part part, aimed at telling moderate Republican voters and GOP-leaning independents that their values aren’t truly represented by the nightmare ideology otherwise known as Trumpism. He may be the GOP nominee, but he has perverted and distorted Republicanism into something so twisted and horrifying, so unlike anything else we’ve seen in modern times, that they shouldn’t feel bound by party loyalty or political habit to stand by him. …”
The Washington Post agrees with what I am saying here. To borrow a phrase I keep hearing on Twitter from liberal pundits, she’s trying to create a “permission structure” for the cucks to display their status that they are “one of the good ones.” It’s all right. Trump is so bad that you had no other choice but to snub your “base”!
Strategically, Trump always does *exactly* what I think he shouldn't; Hillary does exactly what I'd do…
— Matt Lewis (@mattklewis) August 25, 2016
Will it work?
I don’t know. Trump also has their number is fighting hard to prove he is not a racist to win The Battle of Cucked America. He is trying to show these voters that you can vote for him and still be “one of the good ones.” They need permission to vote for him – some kind of fig leaf that allows them to assuage their status anxiety.
Note: I’m about to turn on the television now. There should be a a school of cucks on the cable networks tonight all flashing and signaling to the “base” their thoughts on Hillary’s badass speech. Let’s take a look!
What a strange article. Did you make up all those terms yourself?