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Hillary’s Very Bad Week (Video)

Sunday, August 28, 2016 13:09
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(Before It's News)

Hillary Clinton

Saturday, the Republican National Committee released a new video highlighting another week of Hillary Clinton pay-to-play revelations, lies, and cover-ups from the Democrats’ fundamentally dishonest candidate. The highlight reel hits include the following:

  • Even Hillary supporters slamming the Bill, Hillary, and Chelsea Clinton Foundation.
  • Colin Powell complaining about Hillary trying to blame her email scandal on him.
  • Praise Donald Trump from Louisiana’s Democrat Governor John Bel Edwards for showing up while Hillary was fundraising.
  • More Embarrassing Hillary emails showed Hillary aides setting up a meeting for a Clinton donor the crown prince of Bahrain.
  • The FBI  revealed it found 15,000 more emails Hillary didn’t turn over.
  • And Hillary’s, “What’s a few more,” response
  • And President Obama’s former chief strategist David Axelrod retort that Hillary should not joke about this.
  • Bill Clinton announced plans to shake up the Bill, Hillary, and Chelsea Clinton Foundation which raised more questions.
  • More revelations about Hillary’s top aide, Huma Mahmood Abedin — Flying in private jets courtesy of Clinton’s foundation while a State Department employee.
  • The Associated Press report that “More than half the people outside the government who met with Hillary Clinton while she was secretary of state gave money – either personally or through companies or groups – to the Clinton Foundation.”
  • The Bill, Hillary, and Chelsea Clinton Foundation shake up looks to be no change at all with Chelsea staying on the board and “exceptions.”
  • Hillary’s flippant and condescending response to questions about why she hasn’t had a real press conference since December 4, 2015, “Stay tuned.”

You can watch the video, “Hillary’s Very Bad Week,” below:

This is a powerful video, which should be on the air everywhere.

The post Hillary’s Very Bad Week (Video) appeared first on RedState.


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