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By Bunkerville, God, Guns and Guts
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Obama Opens all Federal Building Showers, Bathrooms to Trangendered

Saturday, August 20, 2016 4:26
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(Before It's News)

There was a time when men went to barber shops and talked what men talk about and women went to beauty salons and enjoyed trashy movie star magazines, caught up on the news of the neighborhood with a touch of gossip. Am I getting old? Now we are going to allow potential perverts without question into women’s showers and changing rooms in all federal buildings. By the way this includes National Parks for those of us who are campers. Here tis:

The Obama administration has ordered 9,000-plus federal buildings across the United States allow biological men into women’s bathrooms, locker rooms and showers in order to comply with the administration’s interpretation of Title IX law.

The order comes after the Department of Justice and Department of Education sent a significant guidance letter to all public school districts in May, advising them to allow transgender students to have access to bathrooms and locker rooms designated for the opposite biological sex.

The GSA guidance explains that individuals will not be required “to show proof of surgery to be treated in accordance with their gender identity and obtain access to the restroom corresponding with their gender identity.”

The bulletin adds that federal employers can not side-step the bulletin by requiring transgender individuals to use single-user restrooms.
As 24 states are suing the Obama administration over the public school transgender guidance, Severino asserts that legal action might be the only way to get a message across to the administration that the American people have not yet approved of its interpretation of Title IX
Read more at Christian Post

Filed under: Liberal Loonies Tagged: LGBT, Title 9, Transgender


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