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Trump’s Campaign Being Outspent by a Third Party Candidate

Friday, August 5, 2016 9:50
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(Before It's News)

After this past week of mayhem in the Republican party, with a special focus on the top of the ticket, are there any still out there who believe Donald Trump is in it to win it?

Jill Stein, the Green Party’s presidential nominee, seemingly surpassed Donald Trump in ad buys this week when her campaign announced the purchase of $575,000 in national television ads.

While outside groups like the National Rifle Association have reserved airtime for Trump, the Republican nominee’s campaign has spent little on traditional ads.

So while Trump is either waiting on pro-Trump groups to pay for ads, is relying on his campaign staff with Fox News, or is pushing the Twitter campaign, he’s not really invested in the success of his campaign.

Meanwhile, Hillary Clinton’s campaign is even pulling ads from certain states, because the confidence is so high that they will defeat Trump, that they just don’t see the point.


Stein, who has offered herself up as the alternative for disgruntled Bernie Sanders supporters, is polling at 4% nationwide and stands very little chance of success. However, she is disciplined in her messaging and dedicated enough to invest in her campaign.

Clinton and political action committees supportive of her campaign have purchased $98 million in ads set to run over the next several months in key states, while pro-Trump groups have reserved just $817,000 worth of airtime, according to NBC. None of that money appears to have come directly from the Republican nominee’s campaign.

Serious candidates tend to put stock in their own brand. As the next few weeks play out a vivid tragedy, we can only hope that the realization settles in with Trump’s defenders that they were duped.

Trump used them to promote his brand, not the well-being of this nation.

The post Trump’s Campaign Being Outspent by a Third Party Candidate appeared first on RedState.


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