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By Bunkerville, God, Guns and Guts
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U.S. takes on more Syrian refugees than all of the E.U. 8,000 vs 6000

Tuesday, August 16, 2016 4:26
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(Before It's News)

This morning we wake to this headline Obama Administration Releases 15 Guantanamo Detainees In Largest Transfer Of Presidency. The worst of the worse. But let’s not stop there with this administration. Let’s tool up so we can bring in more “refugees” of unknown backgrounds and play more Russian roulette. While the E.U. is slowly waking from their somnolence and slowing down their self immolation, Obama and Clinton are hell-bent at putting us at risk. Here we go:

Despite promises of European Union member states to take in 160,000 refugees, a new report shows that they’ve accepted a fraction, 6,000, while the United States has embraced 8,000 of a planned 10,000 this year.

As President Obama, backed by Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton, has ramped up accepting refugees fleeing Syria and other war-torn nations, the EU has put the brakes on hard, apparently bowing to public outrage.

After officials moved to stem the huge influx if immigrants, Europe had led the way in making promises to accept the additional refugees in camps in Italy and Greece. But a new report in France found that Paris had accepted just 1,300 of the 30,000 it promised to take from Greece and Italy by 2017.

‘There is an obvious lack of solidarity,’ Henry claimed,” said the CIS blog post from Nayla Rush based on some French media reports.

CIS suggested that the EU refusal to move as fast as Obama might be a “sign of mere common sense,” following a number of terror attacks. H/T:Washington Examiner

Filed under: Immigration Tagged: E.U., European Union, Refugees, Syrians


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