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Cuckservatives: Glenn Beck Now Says Ted Cruz Isn’t George Washington

Monday, September 26, 2016 9:53
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(Before It's News)

It happened this morning on the Glenn Beck program:

“Glenn Beck nervously paced back and forth through his TV studio designed to look like the Oval Office.

“He’s gonna call?” the conservative stalwart sheepishly asked. Beck was a lovesick puppy questioning whether his wayward one-and-only, Ted Cruz, will call him as scheduled on Monday morning.

“He’s gonna call,” co-host and longtime confidant Stu Burguiere reassured him. …

Following the interview, Beck joined Burgiere and Pat Gray on the “Oval Office” couch, and poured out his heart.
“For the very first time I heard Ted Cruz calculate. And when that happened, the whole thing fell apart for me,” he lamented. “It’s my fault for believing men can actually be George Washington. It’s my fault.” …”

I loved the backdrop of the Oval Office. It doesn’t get anymore kook than that!


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