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By Bunkerville, God, Guns and Guts
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Missouri Overrides Govs Veto to Legalize Permitless Gun Carry

Saturday, September 17, 2016 4:42
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Think Ferguson. A good day to celebrate as there are now eleven states that allow citizens to protect themselves, their families and property. No questions asked.

The Missouri legislature overrode Democratic Gov. Jay Nixon’s veto of permitless gun carry on Wednesday, making it the 11th state to adopt the policy.

Missouri legislators bypassed the governor’s wishes and instituted the new gun-friendly law by a vote of 112-41 in the House of Representatives and 24-6 in the Senate. Under the law, anyone over 21 who can legally own a firearm may now legally carry a firearm. The move continues a nationwide trend towards what activists call “constitutional carry.”

From the nation’s founding through 2002 Vermont was the only state that didn’t require a state-issued permit to carry a firearm. Alaska became the second state to adopt the policy in 2003. Over the last six years another nine states have followed suit, making it the hottest trend in state-level gun policy. H/T:Free Beacon

Filed under: Gun Control Tagged: concealed carry, gun permit, Guns, NRA, Second amendment


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