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The Case For Trump: ADL Labels Pepe The Frog A Hate Symbol

Tuesday, September 27, 2016 14:25
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(Before It's News)

The Jews are coming for Pepe

“Pepe the Frog is a cartoon character that has become a popular Internet meme (often referred to as the “sad frog meme” by people unfamiliar with the name of the character). The character first appeared in 2005 in the on-line cartoon Boy’s Club, created by artist Matt Furie. In that appearance, the character also first used its catchphrase, “feels good, man.”

The Pepe the Frog character did not originally have racist or anti-Semitic connotations. Internet users appropriated the character and turned him into a meme, placing the frog in a variety of circumstances and saying many different things. Many variations of the meme became rather esoteric, resulting in the phenomenon of so-called “rare Pepes.” …

I’m guessing this will likely backfire.

The ADL’s decision to turn the presidential election into a referendum on Pepe isn’t likely to work to Hillary’s advantage.


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