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Trump Hits Hillary on Economy: You’ve Been Doing This for 30 Yrs, Why are You Only Thinking About This Now?

Monday, September 26, 2016 19:57
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(Before It's News)

Trump and Hillary continued to spar in their first head-to-head debate. During a heated exchange on the economy Trump took his time to explain in simple terms why businesses leave the United States and how high corporate tax rates drive him away. When Hillary pushed back with her “record” of experience on addressing economic issues (which basically consisted of “My husband did okay when he was President), Trump pointed out that she’s been doing this an awfully long time to have never seen any results.

Trump: You’ve been doing this for 30 years. Why are you just now starting to think of these solutions after 30 years?

Hillary: Actually I have been thinking about this quite a lot…

Trump: …yeah, for 30 years!

Trump then takes the time to remind Clinton her husband signed NAFTA.

Game on!

The post Trump Hits Hillary on Economy: You’ve Been Doing This for 30 Yrs, Why are You Only Thinking About This Now? appeared first on RedState.


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Total 2 comments
  • They lie to get up ladder, then do it their way at the top… :roll: gosh, you’d think they’d know this though, right.

    • Who can be trusted – a Robot.
      Is a robot to fail.
      Then ‘a’ robot cant be trusted.
      But the ‘collective’ can be trusted.
      The collective can be infected to fail.
      The collective thus cannot be trusted.
      Trust no one, one relies on doubt and’ thee unexpected. :neutral:

      One ‘doubts this will hold out for long’, it held out, and was unexpected given its use, which was far above its regular usage… :smile:
      One trusted the companies word that it word hold out, it didn’t thus trust was broken. :neutral:

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