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Turncoat Republicans Are Getting Nervous and Desperate

Saturday, September 17, 2016 10:28
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(Before It's News)

Fellow Conservative,

Have you seen the polls?

Three weeks ago, the pundits were eager to call this race over and coronate Hillary Clinton as Barack Obama’s successor.

Today, Reuters/Ipsos polling has the race completely tied, in both the popular vote and the Electoral College.

We warned that as the polls got more competitive, we would see more and more establishment Republicans conspiring with Democrats to get their leftist agenda passed before it was too late.

On Friday, for example, Ohio Governor John Kasich travelled to Washington DC and actually participated – from the podium – in a press conference to support Obama’s Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal with Asia. Realizing that Trump could actually win, Kasich and company realize that the only way to get this horrible trade deal enacted is to push it through before the election.

But there is nothing more atrocious than seeing so-called “conservative” Republicans conspire to put Obama’s liberal nominee onto the Supreme Court!

Turncoat Republicans just met with Merrick Garland! Don’t let them put this liberal nominee onto the Supreme Court! FaxBlast and DEMAND their plan be blocked at all costs!

Just like you probably didn’t know that John Kasich has now teamed up with Obama to get liberal legislation passed, Supreme Court nominee Merrick Garland also traveled to Capitol Hill this week to talk to Members of Congress.

That’s right, Merrick Garland spent a entire day on Capitol Hill trying to lobby to get a confirmation hearing.

We are less than two months away from Election Day and there is a small, but powerful contingent of Republicans eager to surrender the Supreme Court to liberals for decades to come.

It is not a surprise who is leading this movement. Senator Jeff Flake (R-AZ) is extremely liberal when it comes to issues like immigration. He actually supported a pathway to citizenship when he was one of the Gang of Eight. Of course he wants to fill the vacancy now. The thought of Donald Trump nominating a judge who would enforce the law as written terrifies Flake and other Republicans-in-name-only.

Senator Susan Collins (R-ME) has also expressed openness to voting for Obama Supreme Court nominee. She is one of just four Republicans who voted for Obama’s 2013 anti-gun legislation and after the President’s most recent gun control push, she has promised to work as hard as possible to make it legal for the President to arbitrarily disarm Americans.

The fact that Republicans would even give Merrick Garland an audience should be troubling enough. But the fact is that if a floor vote was held today, the votes are there to put this man on the bench. That is how close we are to losing this country.

If every single Democrat votes to confirm, then it would take just 14 Republicans to jump onboard and it would be over. Just a reminder, there were 10 Republicans who walked across the aisle to confirm Loretta Lynch, the woman who has let Hillary Clinton get away with violating the Espionage Act.

Don’t let them get away with this! Send your FaxBlast here and DEMAND that these turncoat Republicans be stopped at all costs!

It is amazing just how many Republicans are willing to say one thing to get elected and then do the exact opposite when it serves the interests of their donors.

We now actually have more than a dozen Republican Senators who are willing to at least entertain the prospect of confirming a Democrat President’s Supreme Court nominee just 51 days away from Election Day.

That is how terrified they are of actually being forced to turn their words into action and support the conservative policies they promised to.

While Congress was out of session, these traitors were meeting and plotting their next moves. Now that Congress is back in session, they’re meeting in person with Garland himself.

Now they are ready to initiate their plan. It takes 14 Republican Senators to vote with the Democrats to push Merrick Garland onto the Supreme Court bench. The word out of DC is that as many as 16 GOP Senators are at least tentatively onboard.

As I have said, I have one goal and one goal only. When my grandchildren or great-grandchildren ask what I did to stop these turncoat Republicans from surrendering the Supreme Court, I want the answer to be simple:

Everything I could.

They are counting on getting away with this under the radar. But now you know.

As Ronald Reagan once said, this is a time for choosing. Either rise up and fight these turncoats or sit back and hope they fail on their own…

This cannot be allowed to happen! Please, send your FaxBlast to Congress and DEMAND that they block any and all attempts to push Obama’s leftist nominee onto the bench!


Joe Otto
Conservative Daily

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Total 1 comment
  • Perhaps the American voters should remind the turncoat Republican U.S. Senators the American people can vote the Senator out of HIS office the same way we voted HIM in.

    And We The People will make them one of those Senators in history who USED TO HOLD OFFICE if they do not start acting as Representatives for the people who elected them instead of Representatives for the power and money groups who have hijacked Washington D.C..

    The American people are about to clean the Bullshit out of Washington D.C.. So, why not start with them.

    We can mop the Halls of Congress with their sorry ass.

    And, throw their DIRTY MOP HEADS out with the trash if they are lucky, and prosecute them for some of their many crimes in ‘perhaps’ Nuremberg type trials if they are not.

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