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Clinton Knows! Obama Knows! Comey Knows! Lynch Knows! They Are All Going to Prison

Friday, October 14, 2016 5:52
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(Before It's News)

THE MILLENNIUM REPORT: Reporting the Most Important News in the World Today.




“LOCK HER UP” Movement Growing By The Day

*     *     *
This Is Why That,
No Matter What the
2016 Election Result,
Will Continue to Resound
Across America.
She Will Be Locked Up,
Unless She Happens To First….


Hillary Clinton knows that she is disqualified from being POTUS

State of the Nation

Hillary Rodham Clinton is a trained attorney and once-practicing lawyer.

Mrs. Clinton knows the law and especially the relevant federal statutes regarding government property.

Therefore, Mrs. Clinton knows that she is categorically disqualified from holding public office in the United States of America.  The United States Code is unequivocal about who cannot hold elective office as stated in the following law of the land.[1]  As follows:

U.S. CODE: Hillary R. Clinton is disqualified from holding any office in the United States


*** Screenshot showing over 350,000 Facebook “Likes” ***



There’s a very good reason why the preceding post has well over 350,000 Facebook “Likes”.  It’s because this particular law CANNOT BE SUBVERTED by anyone, under any circumstances, and the U.S. citizenry knows it.  And now they have possession of the hard written law that everyone knows, including Candidate Clinton. 

As a BAR-registered lawyer, U.S. Senator and Secretary of State, no one knows this particular law better than Mrs. Clinton.  Actually the DNC probably knows it better as they are directly responsible for vetting the presidential candidates who are officially nominated by the Democratic Party.

Transparent Manipulation of the MSM has Incensed the Electorate

Hillary Clinton’s naked control over the Mainstream Media (MSM) has only pushed more voters into the Donald Trump camp.

The Wikileaks emails showing the unparalleled influence exerted daily by the DNC over the MSM also reveal a deliberate criminal conspiracy to subvert American democracy.

Everyone knows that CNN is really the Clinton News Network.

Everyone knows that MSNBC and CBS News are merely propaganda organs of the Clinton Campaign.

However, that emails have been released, which expose this illicit collaboration between the DNC and the media, is both unprecedented and paradigm-shattering.  The American electoral process will NEVER be that same, nor should it be.  See for yourself: Trumpsters Take On The Mainstream Media

Hillary is running for president to avoid being a prisoner

There is now so much incriminating information that has been downloaded throughout the public domain that serves as an indictment of Clinton’s official misconduct that the American people will not rest until she is imprisoned.  She knows this.  Which is why she continues to run for POTUS in spite of having a very precarious health status.

The numerous professional medical diagnoses (including her personal physician) and various medical opinions which can now be found on the Internet are all conclusive: Hillary suffers from Parkinson’s disease, Subcortical vascular dementia and Post-concussive syndrome.  Why in the world would she ever run for president unless she absolutely had to?  Even her NWO globalist masters cannot compel her to do something she is effectively incapable of.

Hillary Clinton Is Unlawfully Concealing Her Parkinson’s Disease

The important point here is that Hillary has to win this election to stay out of prison.  The national clamor to prosecute her, convict her, sentence her and get her off the street is now too great and irreversible for her to successfully tamp down.  The more Mrs. Clinton tries to manipulate the MSM, or DNC, or Democratic Party to carry out her will, the more her perfidy is exposed for all to see.  The people are only getting angrier at her lying and treachery, prevarication and deception, betrayal and deceit.

Truly, Hillary R. Clinton has dug herself a grave that she cannot get out of.  Even if she steals this election outright, the American people will eventually Watergate her, a true fulfillment of poetic justice.

State of the Nation
October 14, 2016

Editor’s Note

The crucial link posted at the beginning of this article is so radioactive it has the potential to effectuate real change like never seen before.  The USA is first and foremost a nation of laws. Were a POTUS to be elected who the body politic knew in advance broke one of the most important laws of the nation, the country would descend into anarchy.  Hence, it is critical to inform the people who are unaware of this solemn statute.  It is the key to American independence; and it is the best way to prevent a career criminal from holding the highest office in the land.

Please, disseminate the following link by every means possible and by any means necessary.  The very future of the American Republic may depend upon it.  So, too, may the ultimate fate of the America people.  Thank you!

U.S. CODE: Hillary R. Clinton is disqualified from holding any office in the United States


Hillary Clinton’s Democratic Party: House Of Crime and Corruption



Hillary Clinton knows that she is disqualified from being POTUS | SOTN: Alternative News & Commentary

THE MILLENNIUM REPORT: Reporting the Most Important News in the World Today.

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Total 48 comments
  • They all HAVE TO BE EXECUTED ! Look at how many people have and will die on your Death Row and ALL of these people have done nothing compared to your so called trusted politicians.

    • Amen to that!!

    • and the ‘Left-Stream’ Media knows…
      By the way.. is a very good information website… unlike BIN ..the readers decide what stays on the front page.

    • If it happens I’d love to see them all sent to Leavenworth along with ALL of their “Good” Buddies and co-conspirators for a REAL “Swingin’ ” time at the end of a rope !!!

      • but they go to “LEVI athon ISland”, on their jets and yachts and submarines , having a hell of a “Good” -old school Buddies / Conspire-ists chit-chat…., “Swingin’ ” in hammocks….
        some “Swingin” with each others partners.. :lol:
        some walking slaves at the end of a rope :mrgreen:

        I hear ya, but if one domino falls,,I /////////>infinity…….they ALL FALL. Self-protection of each other is essential, enforced/covered up by JUDGES/juris….trained at old schools!
        some of our “Supreme Court Judges”, would have Police escorts and Security to rival the President/King of some small countries……
        here in Aus , can remember when a few of these “Judges/Politicians” committed SUICIDE,the same week the PEDOHILE RING was exposed. :shock:

    • You are absolutely correct. Hitlery is a mass murdering, drug smuggling, money laundering, racketeering, treasonous terrorist and a war criminal just to name a few.

      Hitlery deserves nothing other than the death penalty. No appeals, no delays as she has killed so many innocent people that there is no logical defense for what she has done. Hitlery must hang or face a firing squad, guillotine or actually I would love to see her impaled o a post to suffer and slowly die a painful slow agonizing death which she so well deserves.

      Hitlery Rotten Clit~on makes me want to projectile vomit. The thought she is actually running for president makes me feel sick. This government is so corrupt that we will see thousands of government officials flee the country to avoid prosecution by a real DOJ. That is if the election isn’t stolen and Donald Trump actually becomes president.

      Donald Trump will save America….

    • Yes! We need the New Nuremberg Trials!

    • They need to be waterboarded constantly for two years straight first….then hang the filth

    • Wake up, Zippy. The Dems and NWO people don’t give a rat’s rear end about Hillary, She is but a Trojan Horse to get a Dem. elected. If she flames out or gets indicted the day after the inauguration the REAL candidate, Kaine steps in with Julian Castro as the V P and we’re off to the gulag or WW3. Hillary was NEVER the candidate, just the vehicle. Even Stevie Wonder could have seen this one coming.

      • Yes, holeshot (fudge packer), but who’s going to throw the first stone! Huahahahaha! There in lays the problem when your entire government is corrupt!

  • Nov surprise Obama knocked out of the race because he’s the Antichrist and Messiah (me) revealed.

    • MEDS Geir.

    • st

      kos u post pics of your self with all the buddha crap? your the Messiah of who?

  • Pffffftttt….I’ll believe that when I see it.

  • TC

    So it’s up to Obama to keep everybody out of jail. How to do that? A big war or false flag. This is a very dangerous time.

  • We can only hope it’s true! But one things for sure, they won’t be having as much fun a Elvis and the boys.

  • Hillary did not give a damn about the safety and security of the American People, so that she could line her pockets and pretend she is God. God does not bleed. No longer. Hillary needs to be EXECUTED for subversion, robbery and murder of the American People. SNAP the bastards neck.

  • Important alert on the new catastrophe of Earth
    Oct. 14, 2016 T. Tatsmaki (Japan)
    According to a notice from the Creators, the pole shift of Earth is imminent and occurs in the 2nd half of December, 2016.
    It will become the new catastrophe of Earth.
    The evil and corrupt civilization of plutocratic slave domination will be swept by the Creators having given everything gratuitously for Earth too similarly like 20000 planets of advanced civilization consisting of the Galaxy Federation where no such evil and corrupt civilization like Earth, and there are social system of everythibg gratuitous services.

  • Obama can at ANY time grant a pardon to Clinton and/or anyone associated with her alleged crimes. He could do so right now if he so desired.

    The only hope if that happens of obtaining any significant trials is if there are serious individual STATE laws under which Clinton can be charged, tried, and convicted…assuming it’s in a non-Clinton-owned State of course. However, it’s also likely that if tried at the State level someone would turn-up to claim some sort of “federal discretion” exemption to prevent the introduction of evidence that could lead to conviction.

    “…as when Ford pardoned Nixon, the pardoned person need not yet have been convicted or even formally charged with a crime. Clemency may also be granted without the filing of a formal request….”–source: wiki

  • Leo

    NO ONE is going to jail . :cool:

  • HEY!..PEOPLE!..Take a peak!..

    The following was posted to a popular forum. I believe it is credible, and was probably a top secret “OOPS”:
    Anonymous posted:

    “I rotate through Diego Garcia every 6 weeks to pull maintenance on uplink equipment as a private contractor.

    Something big is going on, the island has more aircraft than anytime in the last 9 years. They have blocked off some access roads and are now parking aircraft on the road. Barriers have been set up around the aircraft areas. Temporary barracks and hangers are popping up everywhere. A tent city full of AF and Navy maintenance personnel has also been set up.

    I have never seen B1s and B2s there at the same time. Actually I have never seen more than 1 there at a time.

    Security is nuts I had to show my id at least 8 times a day

    My coworker is former AF and said they are like that when nukes are around. We counted over a dozen air refueling tankers on the ground. The airfield had a take off or landing every 15 minutes, very busy. When we flew out we waited in line for quite a while. We never had to wait in the past.

    The Navy had the docks full of ships and 6 to 8 more were moored just off shore. We watched many pallets of bombs being off loaded from one ship.

    There were a bunch of B-52′s coming in that were painted flat black. I have not seen that before.

    So are we headed to war again?”

    My comment: One might think an aircraft as old as the B-52 would be mothballed, but the B-52 never was because it is practically impossible to shoot down. They can take several direct missile strikes and keep flying. If they are at Diego Garcia, WATCH OUT.

    It is strongly rumored that Obama has ordered the annihilation of the Syrian armed forces and that the decision as to when will be made tomorrow (Oct 14). Who knows what will happen then, but they don’t send B-52′s to Diego Garcia for nothing.WE ALL KNEW THEY’D DESTROY THE WORLD BEFORE THEY LET AMERICA SURVIVE BY ELECTING TRUMP, REMEMBER: IT IS THE JEWISH COMMUNITY DOING THIS, NONE ARE INNOCENT, AND THEY CANNOT BE SAFE AFTER HURTING US THAT BADLY. If they are safe, it would be an amazingly huge FAIL.

    Note: UPDATE: I was wrong about the B-52 being used only for nuclear strikes, though they were developed primarily for that purpose. This has been corrected.


    • Jewish community? deano will tell you it …..the Jesuits! They run everything, don’t you know? ;)

  • Her saying “It was a mistake” is NOT enough to satisfy the laws of the land. If it was a normal person who said that they would have been laughed off the stage. But seeing as how the Queen said this….that it was a mistake…..that should be enough to satisfy each and every pisson in her kingdom….NOT!!!!! She needs to PAY for her CRIMES instead of fluffing them off like they don’t count.



    Jack Abramoff Goes Off On Hillary: ‘Most Corrupt Person In History Of United States To Get This Close To The Presidency’

  • she has already been caught at selling state assets and state secrets. these others are guilty of conspiracy to cover the selling of state assets and state secrets.

  • And who will restore the law or the constitution for that matter?

    As I see it:
    What part of what a steam-roller is or a tank is for that matter did you not understand?
    Red-Dawn. /U.N.

    You underestimate the power of the Dark Side…

    Red Dawn – Official Trailer

    The Cults of the Severed head, Skull and Bones, most of the Templars- Jesuits, Islam .. The City States actually. (they are the Severed Head) The Hyksos-Pharaoh were kicked out of Egypt. (See Ralph Ellis.) Are they all bad? Don’t think so, or they into a very long term plan, Fabianism.

    Luciferian Crown Empire – Crown Temple – City of London Corporation – Jesuit Merchants (Alan Lamont)

    The Knights Templar, the Order of Solomon’s Temple (see Ralph Ellis)

    The Dark side and the Light side.
    Templar-Jesuit: Dark side
    Cults of the Severed Head.
    “…They bestowed worship in their chapter on a heathen idol, variously described as to its physical characteristics, but known as a ‘Baphomet’, which etymologically was
    the same word [in Old French] as ‘Mohammed’.

    Templar-Jesuit: Light side
    Real true luciferianism is not satanic (sacrificual for own gaining), it is Enlightenment.
    Hugh Schonfield had a different idea for the origin of the name Baphomet as published in Appendix A – The Essenes and the Templars from the book The Essene

    Odyssey by himself.

    The Essenes, to avoid persecution and because they were a secret sect, employed the uses of ciphers and codes to hide the identities of important names. One such

    cipher, known to bible scholars and translators of the Dead Sea Scrolls, is the Atbash Cipher. To use the cipher you swap the first letter of the Hebrew alphabet for the

    last, second for second to last, third for third to last and so on. This means that Aleph=Tau, Bet=Shin, hence the name Atbash.

    Essene knowledge got passed on to the Gnostics, and Gnostics then passed it on to the Cathars. The Knights Templar was at one time enrolling many Cathar nobles as

    new recruits. It is likely that among the knowledge passed to the Templars from the Cathars, would have been the knowledge of the Essene ciphers, including Atbash.

    Hugh Schonfield obviously thought so, since he didn’t hesitate in applying the Atbash cipher to what he saw as the “obviously artificial name Baphomet”. So Hugh wrote

    out the name Baphomet in Hebrew, applied the Cipher and revealed the word Sophia! Baphomet was the Greek goddess of wisdom!

    The Inquisition had thought that Baphomet was the bearded male head that the Templars prostrated themselves before and which spoke to them and gave them occult

    powers. Sophia, however, is obviously female and Hugh was not surprised to note that Inquisition records also show that in Templar hands was,
    “a casket surmounted by a great head of gilded silver, most beautiful, and constituting the image of a woman.”
    But what of the male head? This was Adam Kadmon, and the head was denominated in Hebrew as Chokmah, i.e. Wisdom.

    Even before the discovery of Baphomet’s true name, the feminine side of this deity had begun to manifest. Most modern depictions of Baphomet show him with a goats

    head, breasts (two, four or even six), wings (angelic or demonic), a phallus (usually a very big one), and hooved legs.

    So Baphomet had already emerged as androgynous, even before the discovery of his being the blending of Adam Kadmon (essentially a god, although Jews and

    derivative monotheists wouldn’t see it that way) and the Goddess Sophia due to an Inquisition error.

    Ralph Ellis – King Solomon , Hiram Abiff & Cleopatra to Christ – Red Ice

    2:17:14 (the truth about Islam) – 2:21:55
    JSP #6 – “Christianity Has Nothing To Do With Jesus!” Says Ralph Ellis

    Josephus said Israelites are the Hyksos people (that ruled Egypt for only 150 years, North of Egypt. Egyptians ruled the South.)
    Why Is Jesus Missing From The Historical Record? Ralph Ellis With Vinny Eastwood

  • The negro has less than a 100 days in office. The negro knows this and I know Negroes. He will TRASH this country before he leaves, but his real dream is to remain Emperor for life. If not, he will trash this country when he gets word he is OUT for good.

    But do you think Hillary is running for president to avoid arrest? This is a paradox because she is not even a legal candidate in the first place. :twisted:

  • The go-between: Communitarianism, how you change ruler, Kings of this World.
    Star Wars – “I find your lack of faith disturbing” – communitarianism

    The Fabian Society Exposed – communitarianism

  • The Queen’s coronation.
    RING OF POWER. Episode Four: The God & the Queen.
    Hyksos – Pharaoh
    All is not accurate:
    The Sceptre of Amen in documentary is the was Sceptre, of death.
    The Priesthood rules, still. (Please do not blame the Queen for everything, out of dignity (knowing the truth, some of the thruths at least), hmm bloodline perhaps, at the

    top they many times got only two choices, the lesser of two evil, or not. Or elsle the problem grow even worse (I call it miss manage). This do not explain what is happening

    today with massive population replacemeant, immigration invasion. Or does it? Islam of the Severed Head Cult. They are not of us.)

    An un-civil war (civil war) ?

    Ring Of Power: Empire of the City – Episode Six, The Godfathers:
    2 23 41

    Star Wars – “I find your lack of faith disturbing”

    If we will have to fight alone, we fight alone. No other way.

    • I really wanted to explain what I see, they censored it, but you probably get that from another source if you care. First of all!!!!!!! It looks like a civil war amongst “them”.

      • They think they got it under control, but that is not true.

  • Yes they all have to be locked up, now that Obama is leaving office the only way they could be safe from prison is if someone who would look upon them favourably became president. Or even better, if one of them became president. You just found one reason Hillary will became president and why Obama will do anything to make sure she becomes president. If they’ve broke the law in the past and played dirty, they’ll have no problems with doing it again in the presidental race, especially if they want to keep doing illegal stuff.

  • Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, and Chelsea Hubbell KNOW!


    US Army Chief of Staff General Mark Milley just days ago threatened both of these nations with total war—but that the American people were neither allowed to see or hear of by their propaganda mainstream media, but can be seen for themselves in this video:

    To US General Milley stating that Russia and/or China are in any way a threat to the United States “way of life”, this report notes, “borders on the insanity” as neither of these nations in any way whatsoever threaten America and have, instead, done nothing more than to protect their citizens, and the citizens of other innocent nations, from the most warlike nation in modern human history that since its beginning in 1776, has been at war for 223 years of its 240 year existence—which is 93% of this nations life.

    The “real threat” to the American’s, however, this report continues, is the rest of the world awakening to how dangerous and corrupt the United States actually is—the latest being the Republic of Turkey who in their discovering the Obama regimes plot to use them as “cannon fodder” in a war against Russia has fired hundreds of their senior military staff serving at NATO in Europe and the United States.

    As Russia has continued to warn the world that the Obama regimes “impudent behaviour” towards Moscow will most certainly have “nuclear implications”, this report further states, this corrupt American government has nevertheless transformed their once powerful military into a radically politically-correct social experiment, while at the same time they have begun repainting their warplanes to look like Russian fighter aircraft.

    To the “insane belief” lodged in the Obama regimes highest reaches that their nation’s new “homosexually oriented transgender military” will be able to defeat Russia without their own country being annihilated by atomic bombs, this report grimly warns, may, indeed, be the “ultimate goal” these maniacs actually want—and as evidenced by a recently leaked email that stunningly shows Hillary Clinton despises the people she seeks to rule over—and as stated by her presidential campaign manger John Podesta who wrote: “I know she has begun to hate everyday Americans”.

    Even worse, MoD intelligence analysts writing in this Security Council report warn that Hillary Clinton’s “master plot” revealed this week by Wikileaks showing her plan to dissolve all US borders within 100 days of taking power can only be done in a complete rebuilding of the United States after the American people have been disarmed—and which a war with Russia would most certainly allow her to do.

    To the American people being able to know the “full and monstrous evil” Hillary Clinton is about to unleash upon them with the full support of the Obama regime, this report grimly notes, is being deliberately kept from them by the US propaganda mainstream media who are not only blacklisting her hatred of them, but other even greater atrocities too.

    And of these greatest atrocities being perpetrated against the American people by Hillary Clinton revealed in these once secret emails, this report continues, none is more catastrophic then the one written by one of her top aides who shockingly admitting the Obama-Clinton true agenda, and in his exact words: “the need to maintain political power by producing an unaware and compliant citizenry”.

    In order to ensure that Hillary Clinton will gain the US presidency, this report concludes, the American propaganda media and elite establishment have declared an all out war against her opponent Donald Trump—and whose most despicable acts over just few days include publishing a poll showing Clinton leading by 11 points that the American weren’t allowed to know was created by a Clinton campaign superpac, and YouTube, just yesterday, stunningly placing a warning on a Trump campaign commercial not to send it to others and that says “This video is unlisted. Be considerate and think twice before sharing”—but that you can view for yourself below.


  • “Hillary Rodham Clinton is a trained attorney and once-practicing lawyer.”
    She’s mostly an asshole and congenital LIAR. :evil:

  • jdp…All knowing she broke the law, they need to varrist her pronto before Nov 8 election, congress has power to do it so why wait?

  • …almost sounds like the US is lying about going to attack Russia in any way….only trying to make our own population think that they are taking retaliatory “strong measures”…..almost as if both Russia and the USA are coordinating a war/ confrontation that does not exist period….bu why?.. Here is why, the take down of the USA…the USA leadership has already sold us out…..they only now need a enemy to surrender to in order to bring the US in total subjugation to the UN and get rid of all those “rights” that none of those other countries have …..since there will be a war and the US will have lost and the same folks that have already sold us out will “surrender” the national sovereignty to the victor (along with a short civil war for the patriots who will not go along with the fact that we lost the war) and “naturally” all brokered by the UN then the constitution will have no more legal status period……..thus demoralizing many if not most of the “patriots” left and giving “everyone” the legal excuse to accept foreign and UN occupation troops with absolute submission……maybe only a few million will have to die in a limited “coordinated” nuclear exchange and or EMP……use your imagination……the biggest threat to the NWO is the constitution but they have to kill it as an idea not just amend the laws the only way to do that is to make it legally void by loosing a war in which there will have to be a “unconditional surrender”…but don’t worry the criminal politicians and the industrial elite that have sold us out o the NWO already will come out of their bunkers safe and secure to sign the UN brokered peace treaty that they have already written up to put an end to Americans suffering…………The war is already scripted…and the outcome planed………..this answers alot of questions and would solve alot of “legal” and psyop issues with the whole NWO complete take over and take down of the constitution that they know cannot be done as long as it is still a viable legal instrument in the minds of the public, junior military as well as the “patriots” who are left afterward ….Just like the Japaneses and German “patriots”with all their national pride had to accept the terms after they lost the war……………i think this whole thing is a sell out and set up by the globalist …….. BUT THIS IS JUST A THEORY…….it is how i would do it…

  • I found myself within a group of Hillary supporters. Interesting that what they all agreed on was they despised the ‘lock her up’ shouts because they don’t know how to counter it.

  • Oh, my God! America president takes only a lunatic? Hitlary King Kong?
    No normal person than the President?
    Only a psychopath can be the president?

  • Hitler and his mob destroyed the whole country before that could occur and I am afraid that Hitlery and her mob will destroy the US before they will be jailed.

    It has become an us against them situation for them now and they hold the power, maybe it is why they are so keen to start a war with Russia.


  • Come on use your brains and common sense people, these people are not going to prison, they would not be walking around free today if there was any chance they would be going to prison tomorrow or anytime in the future. The judge that would sit on the case will be bought and paid for and a member of their club, the prosecutor the same, and the jury bought and paid for. Wake up when world war three starts, they will be hiding in bunkers or underground cities laughing until the good lord shakes them out and puts them in hell where they belong. But they are not going to prison end of story.

  • UNIFIES all religions with killing all Political Corruption forever. Who will actually COMMAND our governments and corporations to USE the divined and ordained solutions cross indexed on Oct 15, 2016 ### Holy Trinity exposed with Humanity. World Repost broadcast to humanity. Today is another historical divine day as I am back with Bishop Jones in Forbes Park Makati Manila Phillipines broadcasting the absolute truths of the cause and effect of human’s self-genocide spiral into absolute slave trading and overthrow of all known integrity driven societies.
    Are you aware of the absolute TRUTH in real time reality of the most massive transfer of wealth to The Criminal Ruling elite. All it every takes is one public terrorist attack or threat, and nations collapse. THIS is exactly what top criminals want since they already have their strongholds build and furnished with protective systems. is THIS what you have been saying also? You COULD have gone public with this final summary years ago and NOT been so fixated on 9/11 that is NOT the ONLY coverup that triggers everything else…. What will it take for YOU yourself to KICK yourself OUT of the past and live in the present reality moment. There is NO way that millions, then billions even CARE about 9/11 history, much less will they be DRIVEN into ACTION by a few rogue criminals. THEY WILL take ACTION when they see their own lives and assets threatened by EXACTLY what is occurring today….. Objections DO NOTHING to further the cause unless you can provide a most comprehensive solution set that actually survives the tests of all time….. THAT is also quantum physics and Collective Consciousness linked to Time and Space….. Keith.
    For Ethics is exactly what is devoid in these past decades because of the overwhelming capitalistic marketing propaganda that enriches the worst criminals in world history. Producers and consumers have been leveraged to the extreme jack-ass hilt of extreme poverty and despair. From the minds of children like 5 year old King playing beside me, we must observe the absolute reality and actually TAKE ACTION to FEARLESSLY PROTECT the RIGHTS of ALL OTHERS.
    Crimes against humanity are actively conducted by so many of our own leaders. They escape all investigations, convictions, and even Death Row because they control the Judges, LIAR-Lawyers, the electronic databases that show all evidence, and the ability to prostitute each other to the ultimate death and extreme of total world domination by Satanic forces easily to see and destroy once and forever.
    This has always been my lifelong and lifetime mission. TO UNIFY all of Mankind.

    World Press release + Press/Conferences in your hands, my people. GO Public and repost. RISE UP and OVERTHROW all criminals today with INTERPOL to create Borderless JUSTICE as I have shown the world how to accomplish in RECORD TIME> For using is the true answer. Everyone copies everyone else. When corruption becomes rampant, everyone becomes corrupt also. Pure survival mode for most, pure PROFITEERING for those who control our Information AGE. REPOST this. ALL Political Criminals are ELIMINATED with

    All OTHER criminals are face recognized with eDevices over free Gov Internet with Interpol as no more forgable VISAs or passports will ever been needed or used. Free TRADE, FREE commerce, Free Travel in the worlds FIRST open new world society as CRIMINALS like assets are SEIZED by war tribunals using the Patriot Act and trillions of $$$ funding is used by + to build new self regulated and self sufficient communities to UNLOAD the poverty striken slums and huge mega cities of our world like Rio D Janerio, NYC, Chicago, LA, Detroit, New Orleans, Calcutta, and other cities and infrastructure controled by The Criminal Ruling Elite. Use and to master teach our entire world how to actually REMOVE all evil, destroy all need for military hardware, and return our land and assets BACK to my 7.44 billion People I call my own.
    Who calls Keith Duncan, USA Broadcast Journalist Evangelist Crusader, fore-founding father of YOUR new World Society of cell (63)-0917-335-4300 before our world is enslaved by criminals and everyone is SOLD off to highest criminal bidder to be the food supply gather workforce and the protein meat supply of last resort choice. Everyone will be the main BBQ choice since criminals LOVE to prey on all victims. who REFUSE to eliminate all crime once and forever…. Keith

  • As much as I would love to believe and be in attendance during their trials, you and I both know this will never happen because America is now corrupt all the way to the top…

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