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By Dr. William B. Mount
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Guess Who’s Sex Tapes Have Just Been Released

Monday, October 10, 2016 20:25
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(Before It's News)



You guessed it – we can’t say his name but we will call him The Big B – Or, Billy C.

Apparently the Israeli Massod has been setting up politicians all over the world so they can Black Mail them to support Israel.

This is what Satanists (Lucifarans) do – they will create the most perverted, sexually decrepit situation and lead politicians into this trap and then they record it and hold it over their heads in the future.

So these Lucifarians (Satanist) place in political office those that they can control.

In this situation – now that everything is being exposed – the Massod is attempting to kill the Hillary’s Campaign because she plans on a full scale Nuclear War as soon as she is elected and these Massod Agents – as perverted as they are – do not wish to die in a Nuclear Blast.

In this little Israeli Massod extravaganza the Bill Clinton’s  Sex Tapes are now about being released and apparently Hillary destroyed the women who objected to being raped.

Next – as we stated would happen years ago –  all of Hillary’s Sex Tapes are about to be released if she does not step back. She, and her 3 doubles, are furious.

Apparently Donald Trump never had sex with underaged women although he apparently does like women.

So here is the Democratic National Committee (Democratic Socialist Party) Email that explains their campaign strategy and due to the release to more Hillary Emails it has backfired.

((((Democratic Socialist Party – Nazhional. Zozhaleesm. –  NAZI, Supporter of the KKK, Congressman Robert Bird one of Hillary‘s Mentors and Grand KKK Masters – Ring a Bell???)))

To add insult to injury Donald had 4 Clinton Victims who had all been raped – 3 by Billry and 1 by a friend of Hillary’s who she defended and – despite his admission of guilt in court – Hillry got him off Scott Free.

People are waking up now – we are opening our eyes and we do not like what we are seeing

During the debate last night these women sat up front. What you should notice is that the woman sitting behind them still supports Hillry despite sitting next to the Clinton Victims?????

The 5% that still support Hillary do not care how evil and corrupt Billry and Hillry and their handlers are – they have NO morals.

Whether they are Draconians or Demon Possessed does not really matter. What matters is that they are evil to the core. They do not feel like you and I and what is in them is from the Pits Of Hell.


So we pray that GOD intervenes – first by exposing them and next by either turning them back to GOD or throwing them back into the pit from whence they came.

Until this evil is eliminated they can still do allot of damage.

By the way – thanks in part to your prayers the storms over Florida and Japan have been diverted. Hurricane Mathew is dead.

If you pantry is full and you feel good you will have so much more ease about life.

So please pray that your family is ready for whatever these Evil Ones can throw at us.


The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount

Donald Trump unveils FOUR Clinton ‘sex victims’ before the presidential debate | Daily Mail Online


FRONT ROW SEATS: Kathleen Willey, Juanita Broaddrick and Kathy Shelton were given prominent seats by the Trump campaign


GHOSTS FROM THE CLINTONS' PAST: (L-R) Kathleen Willey, Juanita Broaddrick, Donald Trump, Kathy Shelton and Paula Jones held a photo-op in St. Louis, Missouri on Sunday before the second presidential debate


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Total 33 comments
  • Cyalata This comment has received too many negative votes.Show
    • The fate of this country is MUCH more important than just some trivial PRIVATE “Locker Room” idiotic remarks that someone made over eleven years ago !!! WAKE UP and “Smell” REALITY , our collective FATE as an entire Nation absolutely DEPENDS on it now !!!!

    • Idiotic attempt

    • Well “Redlist” nobody can be as perfect as your Obama. Right? :mrgreen:

      • Obama? You mean he of the bath houses and Down Low Club?

        • Yeah “Butt Boy” Bath House BARRY Sore Ass Soetoro AKA; BO Crock Who’s INSANE O’Mamba (The TRAITOR ASS SNAKE In The Grass) !!!

      • Perfect ?!!! You MUST be joking !!! Who’s Kool-ade have YOU been drinking ???!!!! Most of us on here absolutely HATE that SOB !!!!

    • If that hurt your little snowflake feelings so badly, you should curl up into a ball and perish. Reminder, Hillary and Bubba Both said Black people are ‘Superpreadators” But you forgot about that didnt you? That was just as Damning.

    • st

      I work in the food service for 32 years women are way worse with what they say and do,I have been groped hit on in very pervers ways had $1 bills shoved in my pants.SO i really don’t want to hear it.I see u like links

      • …st…Thanks for the link. Very, very edifying, and heart-breaking.

        • Yep. Great vid. It’s true beyond doubt. I showed it to my gal and she even said the same thing.

      • Take this with a grain of salt because i can’t back any of it up with hard evidence.

        Aaron Russo purportedly interviewed one Nick Rockefeller and claims to quote the man as saying…

        “We, the Rockefeller Foundation, supported and funded the Women’s Liberation Movement. Why do you think we did it? There were two primary reasons for this: One was that before women’s right to work, we could only tax HALF of the population. The other was so that with women going out to work it would break up families. Women would have to spend all day at work away from the family. The children would begin to see the state and teachers as their family and this would make it easier to indoctrinate and control them.”

        … which, if nothing else, should be enough for interested folk to check out Russo’s (more correctly de Russo’s) credibility/validity.

        In addition, if indeed the interviewee is connected to the Rockefeller Foundation, it’s worth considering that WW2 could have been stopped overnight simply by preventing the Standard Oil Company supplying a critical oil additive, for aviation, to the enemy. So critical, was this additive, that all high performance air cooled engines were totally dependent upon it.

        I’ve high lighted two important words because, for one thing, my comment is speculative, and secondly, if it’s true i do mean all airplanes without exception.

        • I have heard that quote before somewhere about the Women’s Lib. movement. The thing about the planes is new to me, yet if it were true it wouldn’t surprise me in the least. The bankers are known to fund both sides of a war, then even swoop in and make money from reparations. The usury system needs to go. Thanks for the info.

  • OMG I had to scroll through all that to get to phony Sorcha b.s.? Lawd. Do people actually think Sorcha Faal is real? David Booth was outed years ago. Oh well, can’t fix stupid. I guess. Geez

    • It stands for “Such a fail” but the Lemmings who quote them are too stupid to get it.

      • and Benjamin Fulford is in the same gang of nut jobs, liars and glory seekers

  • Quotes: “During the debate last night these women sat up front. What you should notice is that the woman sitting behind them still supports Hillry despite sitting next to the Clinton Victims?????”

    (Thinking you are a Legal name says you support all a-tro-cities of Babyloan’s whore through that very real association.)

    The 5% that still support Hillary do not care how evil and corrupt Billry and Hillry and their handlers are – they have NO morals.

    (Stup-ID IS evil, because they can not learn)

    D Duck Tapes: Revelations & Proof There Are NO Coincidences! Everything Decoded!
    pdf here:
    ‪#‎disney‬ ‪#‎donaldduck‬ ‪#‎disneyland‬ ‪#‎cartoons‬ ‪#‎comics‬ ‪#‎decoded‬ ‪#‎monalisa‬ ‪#‎davincicode‬ ‪#‎templebar‬ ‪#‎matrix‬ ‪#‎proof‬ ‪#‎biblecode‬ ‪#‎ancient‬ ‪#‎geometry‬ ‪#‎codex‬ ‪#‎revelation‬ ‪#‎christ‬ ‪#‎consciousness‬ ‪#‎legalnamefraud‬ ‪#‎thetruth‬ ‪#‎itsillegaltousealegalname‬ ‪#‎astrology‬ ‪#‎art‬ ‪#‎history‬ ‪#‎monarchy‬ ‪#‎legality‬ ‪#‎conspiracy‬ ‪#‎money‬ ‪#‎government‬ ‪#‎world‬


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  • “Hillary got him off” – clever!

  • Go ahead and vote for Hillary – you deserve her.

  • Underaged women? If they are underaged they are not women, but girls. You should get that straight before going out on the town again.

  • Politics is worst than dirty. It is no wonder their official ‘candidates’ are less than exemplary.

  • LETS SEE THE TAPES!! :mad:

    • So you want to see Slick Willie’s…. slick willy. Don’t worry, bro. That’s not weird at all.

      • If I’m remembering correctly, Monica’s testimony said, “About the size of a quarter in diameter and bent to the left.”
        Suprise, suprise, suprise. :twisted:

  • Where is Cathy O’Brien? Are people afraid to accuse George HW Bush and his CIA’s MK Ultra of brain washing girls and occasionally boys into being monarch sex slaves? Hillary Clinton raped cathy O’Brien twice. Let John De Camp make the accusations again, as he did in 1988 with his book exposing. the “Franklin Cover-Up”. George HW Bush is the worse criminal ever to be President until Barack Obama tried to exceed Bush.

    • Ted

      Agree. Hillary’s an Order of the Eastern Star -and a whole lot more – Occult Witch. Probably why WWIII is no big deal to her.

  • jbw

    Knucklehead: If you can’t even spell ‘Mossad’ correctly, NO ONE is going to give you any credence. ‘Dr.’ indeed….

  • When your famous you just grab them by the ….

  • there are secret clubs all over, others require certain tasks being completed before advancing to nextlevel, most clubs are used for recruiting select types for actions to either make profit, get undesirables suicided, get other people a push in the right direction etc, they are not all benevolent and are mostly self serving

  • LOL.

    You guys are still listening to this Russian propaganda mouth piece?


    Notice how there are no tapes?

    Good job giving this guy clicks.

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