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By Dr. William B. Mount
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Hillary: More Murders, More Emails And A Nuclear War

Monday, October 31, 2016 11:09
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VIDEO:   Hillary: More Murders, Emails And War – YouTube


 Very exciting story this morning so hang on.


Apparently there are two more dead people associated with Hillary – so the count rises by 2.


First – Eric Braverman, former director of the Clinton Foundation, was to meet with a Russian Consulate in New York City last night and missed his appointment.


He is assumed dead.


Something does not feel right about the whole incident.


That high level of a target would have been ushered into the Russian Embassy in a Second.


If this Russian Consulate really did “Make An Appointment” to meet with Eric Braverman rather than handling it immediately then he will be shot within the week.


So – there is something that is not right here with this story?


2) E. Lee Hennessee was found dead in her apartment at the Trump Estates. She was a huge part of the Billy Graham Crusade, Created Campus Crusade, had business dealings in Saudi Arabia, helped in the Bush Jr Campaign for President and was a primary fund raiser the Trump Campaign.


Apparently she and her husband has a spout ans he left the apartment to stay as a hotel.


She dialed 911 and when the police arrived they found her drunk, so they called the fire Department and htey put her to bed.


The next morning her husband found her dead  - in the living room – apparently beaten to death.


The Apartment Cameras will clearly show who killed her – but no one is talking.


Hang on folks because this will be a very busy morning.


First  - there may be  2 more deaths related to the Hillary Campaign


1) Eric Braverman, former Director of the Clinton Foundation, applied for Political Assylum with a Russian Consulate in New York City. He missed his appointment with the Russian Consulate last night and is assumed dead.


Why did he need to wait for an appointment with a lowly Consulate?


It does not pass the Smell Test.

ad a fight and he left and went to a hotel. and she got smackered and called 911. When the police came they called the Fire Department – who calmed her down and then they left.


She was found dead in the morning by her husband – who’s location was recorded all night.


The initial Police Report clearly states she was beaten to death.


The Internal Cameras at their apartment clearly shows who killed her but no one is talking.



Second – Anthony Weiners Laptop Computer, seized by the FBI, magically holds over 650,000 Emails pertaining to the Clinton Foundation and Hillary’s Illegal Activities


So – the real question is – How did he get all of Hillary’s and Huma’s emails?


This one year old Laptop  holds all of Hillary’s and Huma’s Emails for the last – what – 10 years?


How is that even possible?


How can you keep 10 years of Emails on a 1 year old laptop and how did he get access to Huma’s and Hillary’s Email Accounts???


Something does not pass the smell test.


As Sherlock Holmes would say: “Something Is Amiss Dr Watson



Finally: As we are all focused on the Evils of the Clinton Crime Family Super Station 95.1 is reporting that all across the nation there is an Emergency recall of all members of the National Guard.


They believe this is in preparation for the Coming False Flag.


One good Nuke and all eyes are off the election as a Huge War Erupts.


The internet has begun roaring with postings from people all over the nation reporting very large military convoys on the move


National Guardsmen were beginning to be recalled at 3:30 Am Saturday Morning and all major military bases are reported to have allot of activity in the in the United States only.


Further – Obama, Biden and Hillary have cancelled all personal appearances after 31 October.


Looks like war?


A Personal Message To President Vladimir Putin: If you, or Deutsche Bank,  had done as GOD had asked you to do years ago then Russia would not be facing this Terror cause by your Tyrannical Masters.


Deutsch bank is now run by your “Allies” in China.


Now the people of Russia, and China,  are on the verge of total annihilation thanks to your lack of courage.


It is not to late – but very close to it.








The News You Need


Dr William B. Mount




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Total 4 comments
  • The founding fathers created a constitutional republican government with limited federal authority. This was designed for a moral Christian population that feared God and believed in a system based on firm moral absolutes. So many of laws go back to the morals of the Bible that it is fair to say that the plan and system of government they gave us has a firm biblical basis. Sad to say, the good people of this country never completely lived up to the high standard they set.

    The atheists and humanists that dominate the leftist, liberal side of the political spectrum believe that God is the great fairy in the sky and that the bible is mythology. They don’t consider either particularly relevant to a modern industrial technological state. They believe that the 10 Commandments are really only the 10 Suggestions. The foundation of all laws and government is ultimately religion and morals. Humanistic religion and morals are very different from Bible religion and morals.

    The foundations of atheistic humanism religion/religious philosophy are the unstable shifting sands of their choice of personal morals that apply that day. Since they don’t have a system of absolute morals, everything is relative, negotiable, and selective. This is the source of the endless hypocrisy of liberals. For example, they believe in majority rule, but only when they are in the majority. They believe in freedom of speech, but only when they are doing the speaking. Else the higher, more enlightened moral of political correctness kicks in. This justifies silencing all conservative critics. The list goes on and on.

    If the liberals sweep Congress and the White House on Nov. 8, the republic will never recover from it. The first order of business will be to pack and stack the Supreme Court with extreme leftist socialists, atheist, and social justice warriors who will subvert the courts and the country after their humanistic image. Next to go will be all 2nd amendment rights. Prepare to surrender your guns to Hillary’s homeland security goons. Then Christian TV will go, since it is politically incorrect. No more CBN, Trinity Broadcasting, or Marcus and Joni on Daystar. Then they will strictly regulate free speech on the internet. No more christian or conservative websites. Anyone who believes in God will not be allowed to serve as an officer in the military, since there is not a complete separation of church and state if anyone in the military is a believer. (Believe it or not, Obama is discretely enforcing this rule right now. This is a complete abuse of his powers as commander in chief.)

    Christianity will be slowly outlawed. The first protection to go will be tax exemptions enjoyed by ministries. Then pastors and priests will be required by law to serve communion to practicing homosexuals. They will be required to marry homosexual couples. Priests who do not marry homos will go to prison. Church property will be confiscated, all in the name of the higher humanistic morals of inclusion and tolerance. Christian groups will not be allowed to have bible studies with a few friends over in private homes without first registering the church meeting as a potentially subversive group.

    The worst thing that will happen is that Hillary will continue to push Putin over Syria. This will eventually cause WW3. Your children will grow up with cancer in a nuclear wasteland. Goodbye, American Dream, here comes Humanistic Hell on Earth.

    Libs, Dems, atheists, humanists, & social justice warriors, do you really want this? Have you thought the matter through?



  • 65000 typical e-mails/text files would hardly be a drop in the bucket for modern day 1TB laptop hard drives. Hell, even 65,000 high resolution photos (much much larger on average than e-mail text files) would hardly be a drop in the bucket.

  • Nothing but bumbling buffoons the religious nut jobs have become in their haste of thinking god be on their side.

  • Spell check, and proof reading could be your friend.

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