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The Hillary Clinton Campaign Has A Cow

Friday, October 28, 2016 13:33
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(Before It's News)


In response to the letter sent by FBI Director James Convey to eight Republican committee chairman in Congress, Hillary for America Chair John Podesta released the following statement Friday:

Upon completing this investigation more than three months ago, FBI Director Comet’ declared no reasonable prosecutor would move forward with a case like this and added that it was not even a close call. In the months since, Donald Trump and his Republican allies have been baselessly second-guessing the FBI and, in both public and private, browbeating the career officials there to revisit their conclusion in a desperate attempt to harm Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign.

FBI Director Comey should immediately provide the American public more information than is contained in the letter he sent to eight Republican committee chairmen. Already, we have seen characterizations that the FBI is ‘reopening’ an investigation but Comey’s words do not match that characterization. Director Comey’s letter refers to emails that have come to light in an unrelated case, but we have no idea what those emails are and the Director himself notes they may not even be significant.

It is extraordinary that we would see something like this just 11 days out from a presidential election.

The Director owes it to the American people to immediately provide the full details of what he is now examining. We are confident this will not produce any conclusions different from the one the FBI reached in July.”

Funny how now the Clinton campaign is accusing Comey of nefarious motives.* And the last thing that the Clinton campaign really wants is for the FBI to release what they are looking into. Every time the American people get to see what she has been up to directly without the mediation of the press it doesn’t work out well for her. The real subtext here is that Podesta knows that she is wildly despised and is not trusted by anyone. He knows her support is very soft. At least a third of her voters are #NeverTrump voters. He knows this will knock Donald Trump off the headlines and the Sunday shows and change the narrative in the last two weeks from Donald Trump grabbing women by the pu**y and refocus it on a new FBI investigation of uncertain allegations.

*If both sides are shooting at you it doesn’t mean you are right but it might mean you are incompetent or an idiot.

The post The Hillary Clinton Campaign Has A Cow appeared first on RedState.


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