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The Secret Agenda Behind the Third Debate

Thursday, October 20, 2016 6:17
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THE MILLENNIUM REPORT: Reporting the Most Important News in the World Today.



Why would any presidential candidate ever accept election results proven to be illegitimate?




The 2016 Presidential Election Has Already Been Subject
to Massive Rigging and Fixing, Fraud and Theft


State of the Nation

There is no question that the secret agenda behind the third debate was twofold.

First, to get Donald Trump to agree that he would unconditionally accept the election result no matter what the outcome and regardless of its legitimacy.

Secondly, the Election Commission was determined to ferret out Trump’s most likely response to a completely rigged and fixed electoral process, even in the event that the election was conspicuously stolen.

It was clear by the timing and the ferocity of those pointed questions and immediate responses that this was the BIG issue of the evening.  As it ought to be.

If the DNC, Obama Administration and Clinton Campaign have one extremely serious concern, it is that Trump will fight to overturn the election result should Hillary Clinton steal it outright.

This campaign season has already been the dirtiest and ugliest in U.S. election history.  No other season even comes close.  So an election theft by the Clintonistas is fully expected … by virtually everyone who has watched their dishonest tactics and crooked strategies.

The same can be said for the degree of transparent fraud and outright theft that is being perpetrated by the MSM, the Obama Administration, and their various partners-in-crime.

Special Update:
Exactly 24 hours has now passed since the end of the third debate.  The airwaves, the networks, the Internet have all been full of reports on whether Donald Trump would honor the election outcome.  That has been the biggest story in the world today… by far.
Joe Scarborough Lashes Out At The Media, Defends Trump’s Refusal To Say Whether He’d Accept Election Results
The first and last question of the debate, which were both directed at Donald, queried him about his respect of the election result.  His was a very reasonable answer, but as usual it was completely blown up as the scandal of the day.  Meanwhile, more Wikileaks emails have been released that show the sheer criminality of the Clinton Campaign and their many surrogates in government and the mainstream media.   This is just one way how they have rigged the election every day, of every month, throughout this campaign season. This is also why Donald Trump has grounds for rejecting the official result on November 8th.


Rigging and Fixing

What Donald Trump and his many millions of supporters already know is that the Clintonistas have rigged this electoral process in unprecedented and unparalleled ways. The Mainstream Media (MSM) has shown itself to be using the overwhelming influence of their numerous organs of propaganda to hugely benefit Clinton and to the great disadvantage of Trump.  This ongoing fraudulent dynamic only gets worse by the day.  And the entire body politic has witnessed this rigging process as never before.

MSM Propaganda And Fabricated Polling Data Against Trump Reaches Epic Proportions

The constant taking and reporting of fake polls that show Clinton always on top and forever expanding her lead over Trump is just one example of the MSM colluding with the DNC to fix this election outcome.  By repeatedly disseminating fraudulent poll results, the MSM is fixing the data to falsely support the planned election theft.  The co-conspirators in this criminal plot to subvert the American democracy have conducted this fixing process since day one, and it only intensifies by the day.

2016 Election Being Rigged By The Hour, Polls Fraudulent, Clinton Popularity Grossly Exaggerated

Fraud and Theft

As a matter of fact, there is now so much fraud and theft involved in this election committed by the Democrats, that Trump could easily issue a formal challenge to the Election Commission before the final ballot even takes place.  Based on volumes of evidence, his candidacy has already suffered irreparable harm — THROUGH FRAUD — which has sufficiently tilted the playing field so that he cannot be declared the winner. The many ways in which this election fraud has occurred are being systematically exposed by the Trump Campaign and the few MSM news outlets that still report some truth.

As for naked election theft, that will occur on November 8, but it does continue to take place in the several swing states which will ultimately determine the winner.  This is where the Democrats have the control and full intention to steal the election outright.  For it is the largest cities in the critical swing states where elections are always stolen.

Clinton Can Only ‘Win’ By Stealing The Election

For instance, Clinton cannot win this election without carrying the State of Florida.  It is now common knowledge that her campaign is quite busy padding the vote in all the major cities throughout Florida—Miami, Orlando, Tampa-St. Petersburg, Jacksonville, Pensacola, and Tallahassee.  This is where the Democrat machine is working the hardest to steal the election.  The Democratic “Supervisor of Elections” in these cities know that the 29 electoral votes must show up in Clinton’s column if she is to win this race.


There have been countless stories of busloads of illegal aliens being bussed from one poll station to another during past elections.  This scam can easily be implemented in the big urban areas because of the chaos that often occurs on election day.  The perps simply take advantage of all the confusion, especially when the poll hours have to be extended due to long lines at the closing times.  This criminal election ploy has been methodically utilized by the Democrats over decades of electioneering.  Political analysts expect to see a record number of non-citizens and illegal aliens vote for Hillary R. Clinton in 2016.

Likewise, the big cities that are run by Democrat mayors routinely see the ballot boxes stuffed during crucial elections.  This can happen in a number of ways.  Obviously electronic voting permits the stuffing to take place in ways that only Democrat hackers know how to do—undetected so that there are no fingerprints at the crime scene.  Of course, the final vote tallies can be altered in various ways which the Democrats will certainly do come November 8th.  They’ll even cast votes ‘by proxy’ for the a multitude of dead people.

Rudy Giuliani: Dead people generally vote for Democrats

Third Debate

The third debate was quite telling about the true character of Hillary R. Clinton.

There is no way that such an extremely unpopular candidate and malevolent character can win this election fairly.  Hillary can only win by rigging and fixing, fraud and theft.

Her criminal election syndicate is working overtime to steal this election by every means necessary and any means possible.  That much is known for sure.

Clinton’s debate performance clearly reflects the sheer criminality of her entire campaign strategy.  She was so nasty, mean-spirited and ugly in her presentation that only a dunce would vote for her—a criminally insane, sociopathic dunce, that it.  Hence, she will have a very difficult time mobilizing voters to show up at the polls.

The American people have now seen the real Hilary Clinton, and it is NOT a very pretty picture.  A vast swath of the electorate now understands that she is unequivocally: “The Most Dangerous Presidential Candidate in U.S. History”.

There are extremely important reasons why Hillary Clinton has been chosen as the POTUS that will destroy America. As follows: Candidate Clinton is being installed as POTUS to start World War III.  If the preceding exposé does not concern the American people, then nothing will.

Hillary is unfit and ineligible

Donald Trump said it best when he asserted during the debate that Hillary Clinton has no right even running for president.  That she is ineligible.  That she is disqualified from holding the highest office in the land.  And that she is really running for president only to avoid being a federal prisoner.

“LOCK HER UP” Movement Growing By The Day

What Donald neglected to mention is that Clinton is legally barred from holding any office in the United States of America.  The law is clear and unambiguous about this uncompromising legal fact.  The U.S. Code that follows was violated by Secretary of State ACCORDING TO HER OWN ADMISSIONS.

U.S. CODE: Hillary R. Clinton is disqualified from holding any public office in the United States

The only reason why Clinton is even still standing for office is because the MSM has carried more water for her than any other candidate in American history.  The major networks and news dailies have collaborated to provide favorable news coverage of her while unjustly destroying Trump’s reputation at every turn.  The MSM is both a major accomplice in the election theft, as they will be the main entity conducting the cover-up.

The Mainstream Media Has Become A Criminal Accomplice To Naked Campaign Fraud And Election Theft

Likewise, the Obama Administration has used the extraordinary power and influence of the Executive Branch to aid and assist Clinton’s candidacy in ways that are downright criminal and unconstitutional. This is the only way that Team Clinton can ‘win’ in 2016—“Massive Rigging and Fixing, Fraud and Theft”!




The DNC and Clinton camp are running very scared indeed.

Their obvious attempt to corral Donald Trump into a pen of compliance around blindly accepting the election outcome was both reckless and coercive, misguided and childish. And they tried to pull off that little stunt on global TV during prime time…in living color… and in real time.  WOW!

This was the secret agenda behind the third debate: to compel Donald to go along with their plan to steal this election.  TPTB want no interference at any part of the theft of the election and manipulated Clinton victory.  They know that should Trump try to thwart their efforts, nothing short of the Second American Revolution could be jump-started.

The NWO globalists are quite aware that a large and assertive segment of the U.S. citizenry will not tolerate an election theft in 2016.  Therefore, the ruling elites are doing everything in their power to pre-empt an orgainized protest in the wake of the election. They will eventually enlist the Black Lives Matter movement to short-circuit any initiatives by the Trumpsters to reverse a stolen election.

As SOTN has noted several times in previous commentaries, there is no more deadly a combination than ignorance married to arrogance as demonstrated by the Democrat-Republican covert alliance to sabotage Trump’s presidential aspirations.  Their MO is one of incessant betrayal and treachery, episodic violence and aggression, as well as intensifying threats and intimidation.

Welcome to the Clinton Campaign! And welcome to the Clinton presidency should she be successful in somehow stealing this election.

State of the Nation
October 20, 2016


“Coup D’etat”: Ex-Speaker of the House Nails the Media for Rigging Election

MSM Election Polls Completely Fraudulent, False Poll Data Will Be Used To Steal Election

Recommended Reading

Hillary Clinton’s Democratic Party: House Of Crime and Corruption

Why would any presidential candidate ever accept election results proven to be illegitimate? | SOTN: Alternative News & Commentary

THE MILLENNIUM REPORT: Reporting the Most Important News in the World Today.

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Total 35 comments
  • I’m going to be outside my precinct on election day with a camera. If I see a van or bus I will document it and follow them to see if they go to another polling place. If I see the same people get out and vote again, it will be documented, with the evidence given to election officials and posted to youtube to be judged in the court of public opinion. I hope I’m not the only one doing this.

    • Good for you. One posting like that should be enough, but, thousands would be so much better. I wish I knew how to do something like that. I am tech challenged in that field. I wonder if after voting in these must win key states a stadium could be used, one for each party, in the larger districts, for voters to rally at to show any imbalance that may be a somewhat indicator of a possible rigged election. A pre-election result party if you will. Just a thought. Desperate situations require desperate measures.Only cell phone video and alternative news coverage to be allowed.

      • 1. Hang out a polling place
        2. When/IF bus arrives, using your phone snap pictures of it and the people exiting.
        3. Follow said bus to see if it goes to another voting station (could be out of state too).
        4. Repeat step 2 if bus goes to a second voting station.
        5. Send to Infowars, project veritas, etc

  • War of the Worlds – A message from the Artillery Man

  • “Lock her up” HELLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL, hang em high!

  • God has begun shining a bright light on all that is done in the dark. He will continue to bring the misdeeds of these people into the light. We can all agree that we are living in the last days, who do you think it is God’s wrath is primarily focused on? Isn’t it the evil of this world? Their “great tribulation” has begun beginning with the unraveling of their web of deceit.

    I am apolitical but watched each debate for entertainment purposes. Seeing the political scoundrels and media whores scramble to keep an awaking public from learning of their criminal misbehavior is spiritually reassuring. Even though Trump is far from being a refined man he has served God’s purposes by illuminating long held policy which oppresses us through lies at the force of a gun.

    As far as him being president, unless he plans on leading everyone to repentance the fate of this nation is kind of carved in stone. There is of course always the chance people could repent and Yahweh would respond with mercy. God in His wisdom showed us this through the story of Jonah that although scripture is carved in stone He reserves the right to change His mind at any point. That if nations would repent their demise is not inevitable. Will any nation see it’s error and repent? In my opinion it’s doubtful, but who knows, with God anything is possible.

    There exists a current media campaign where the television networks and news papers have become the nasty 501 attack adds against the candidate opposing their partner in crime Hillary Clinton. They are vigorously trying to paint Trump in a bad light while intentionally avoiding important facts that show that without any doubt Hillary Clinton is am active felon. Although Clinton’s friends, or those the Clinton Foundation is blakmailing in the FBI, criminals who have repeatedly orchestrated numerous false flag operations and swamped the American people with third world style propaganda refuse to prosecute a cohort the criminal offense still remains. The criminal code on mishandling classified information and pay for political access is very explicit and Clinton crossed the line.

    The media’s intention in the cover up is very obvious to an onlooking populous who is already challenged to believe a single word that originates from these sleazebag mouthpieces of a criminal enterprise. This sentiment is reflected in their approval ratings and dwindling viewership. We may not have a communist style state owned media, however corporate media does regularly conspire with criminal politicians forwarding prepared propaganda and political rhetoric in order to sway public perception or opinion. They purposely distract attention or entirely cover up the crimes of their counterparts. Through their willing participation in crime providing phony news they have become part of the illicit machine.

    We can be assured that the propagandists will increase their lies as more and more of their misbehavior boils to the surface. The undeniable collusion between the media and the UNITED STATES cabal that currently occupies the White House will come to an abrupt end when all the rats start jumping ship and working with prosecutors. Believe me that process is well under way!

    Their freedom is really what these crooks are fighting for since the Wikileak release of emails. They are trying real hard stay out of prison. Anderson Cooper, Chris Wallace, Charley Rose, Scott Pelley, Nora O’Donnell and the like minded who helped sweep crimes against the American people under the rug will ultimately be held accountable and they are well aware of what’s at stake. What is sad for them is the reality that they are up against a penetrating light that God intends to shine on all they’ve done in the shadows. They’re fighting a loosing battle.

    My suggestion to those conspirators taking their orders from the GOG or shadow government and to the media prostitutes that enable their crimes is to confess your sins first to God through Christ then to the proper legal authority. If you expeditiously repent, perhaps if sincere your reckless criminal misbehavior will only result in a well deserved prison sentence. Be strait forward and truthful so that your salvation might be spared. If you make a deal with prosecutors now you might be able to receive a reduced sentence or totally alleviate legal culpability. Better hurry, as you are more than aware, there is no time to waste and if other beat you to the punch legal immunity will be off the table.

    Advocating the doctrine of the one true God, calling out evil wherever I see it,

    A Student of the Word

  • I was proud of Trump for saying no to the establishment who thinks he should just go along to get along. He too remembers the pledge he took along with 17 others, several who did not honor it. All and I mean all MSM is in on the fix. We need to document the voting and I too will be watching.

  • Again; so if Trump happens to win, that means the votes are somehow not rigged then? You can’t have your cake and eat it too.

    • Here’s another take-home point. If you haven’t noticed, in the aftermath of every election, the losing party always makes claims of voting fraud. I don’t dispute the fact that our elections are rigged, because I personally believe the outcome of our elections are decided in globalist meetings like Bilderberg well in advance before either party even officially nominates a candidate. But even if that isn’t the case; factually speaking 21 states have no legal means of forcing state electors appointed to the electoral colleges to side with the popular vote in their state, meaning they can vote however they want or cast abstention ballots without penalty. That alone leaves a lot of room for bribery and fraud, not to mention the hackability of the electronic voting machines.

      • IF YOU have not noticed it is MORE than unlawful to do what Clinton did concerning her handling of classified material, it comes with a automatic PRISON sentence there is NO amnesty that is the LAW and Comey himself NOW has broke the law as he CANNOT give her a free pass, they BOTH should be in a fed prison!! this IS A FACT, i worked in that sector long time and i know the rules and I know people who went to prison and they had ONLY made a mistake on how they handled the material, and they still went to prison!! I could go on for hours on the crimes she has done, but i doubt you would ever see the light, OR are you just like her and a criminal?? you know birds of a feather flock together!!!!

      • Why don’t you show us video of republican conspiracy to commit voter fraud like we’ve seen from the Democrat side. Until then we have EVERY reason to discount a democrat win this election cycle.

        • Man

          there was a whole session on it by John oliver….

    • Just look at the damned rallies for Gods sake it is obvious the people are solidly behind Trump for Clinton could not fill a high school gym without paid supporters!

    • You are missing the point of the rigged election, 100% in favor of Clinton. RIGGED!!

      #1: MSM – Have you seen the proof behind wikileaks? Rigged for Clinton success. Trump has zero MSM media support. RIGGED!!

      #2: Illegal Immigration – open boarders! with all these illegal immigrants coming through with the support of Democrats, who are these illegal immigrants going to support? knowingly allow these illegal immigrants to vote “illegally”, who do you think benefits from this? Trump? RIGGED!!

      #3: Fraudulent Votes – There are thousands of absentee ballots of people who are dead, voting 100% democrat on the ballot. Still not convinced? How about democratic operatives assigned to go around and ask people to register and to vote as democrat- they are required to meet a quota that is unrealistic, if they don’t meet that quota, they do not get paid. in the ’08 election, Donald Duck, Goofy, Mickey Mouse and countless other fictional names voted for Obama. RIGGED!!

      #4: Foreign donation to Hillary’s campaign – millions of dollars

      What is it that Trump is doing to RIG the election in his favor?

      • I failed to mention that if Trump wins, it means the rigged election in favor of Hillary, was unsuccessful. If Hillary wins, then by all accounts the rigged election worked.

  • Lies upon lies!! BTW, did anyone else notice (once again) the lit up horizontal screen in Hillary’s podium stand? It was obvious that she was looking down ALL the time, no doubt reading the script as it was fed to her.

    • Go to YouTube, search for the debate full video (I used the bloomberg link), go to 1:20:04 and listen to the mic pick up the word “dozens” just before she says it.

      She had an ear piece in.

  • The democrat WHORES are awful anxious to have Trump sign off on their FRAUD before they execute it. SCREW THAT

  • Oh you better believe it! The lamestream lying media has no interest in the truth, only in the paycheck they get from their masters in the US government.

  • DNC Chairwoman Goes into 150% Meltdown on TV. Hillary Shattered. Obama Too. This Is End of Antichrist Obama (Video)

  • #NAMEGATE : The Universal Political Scandal.
    The result of which is that all previously perceived authority is now NULL & VOID.

    D Duck Tapes: Revelations & Proof There Are NO Coincidences! Everything Decoded!
    pdf here:
    ‪#‎disney‬ ‪#‎donaldduck‬ ‪#‎disneyland‬ ‪#‎cartoons‬ ‪#‎comics‬ ‪#‎decoded‬ ‪#‎monalisa‬ ‪#‎davincicode‬ ‪#‎templebar‬ ‪#‎matrix‬ ‪#‎proof‬ ‪#‎biblecode‬ ‪#‎ancient‬ ‪#‎geometry‬ ‪#‎codex‬ ‪#‎revelation‬ ‪#‎christ‬ ‪#‎consciousness‬ ‪#‎legalnamefraud‬ ‪#‎thetruth‬ ‪#‎itsillegaltousealegalname‬ ‪#‎astrology‬ ‪#‎art‬ ‪#‎history‬ ‪#‎monarchy‬ ‪#‎legality‬ ‪#‎conspiracy‬ ‪#‎money‬ ‪#‎government‬ ‪#‎world‬


  • I watched the debate and Hillary talk fine but think about this so did Hitler in Germany when the people elected him and we all know how that ended up. Hillary lied during the debate but I dough many caught it. Remember this when you vote. Your destiny is written by your own hand. Look at how so many in law and government have lied under oath when they swore to uphold the US Constitution so help them God. Hillary and Tim do not wear the United State Flag. Donald and Mike do wear the US flag. Choose wisely! More cops killing the innocent or back to before Obama? Do we really want 4 more years of Obama?

  • Phd

    Oi Vey ! America….
    Your Shits In The Wind….

    Did None Of You Dumb Asses See Or Hear Obama’s 2014 Youtube Speech



  • Trump was very smart to answer the question as he did…..crooked Hillary can only win through election fraud…its the only way………..Trump has 25,000 people attending his rallies – Hillary 200 – 750 max…….that tells it all right there, the polls are bogus to give plausibility to a Hillary “win”…’s all fixed, George Soros owns the Diebold voting machines…
    If they attempt to install the High Priestess of Crime and Corruption it will be war in the streets………Trump will be our President one way or another…if they cheat him out of it I believe the masses will refuse to accept Hillary the stinky beast from hell………………

  • This article and Donald Trump both claim that Hillary is not eligible to be a candidate for this office, but fail to give the data to support the claim. I do not feel that Hillary is eligible for many reasons, such as her disregard for assistance when the Benghazi outpost was attacked even over the multitude of requests from the ambassador’s quarters. She is not eligible for her disregard of security protocol in not using a secure government computer, for destroying 30,000 (government) emails after ALL emails from that computer were subpoened, her lies in the coverup of “emailgate”, her required, but not enforced loss of security clearance for such. Th9is is just the tip of the iceberg in her seditious behavior. There is too much to list here of her “service” over the years.

  • Black lives matter against Trump supporters now that’s a laugh.

  • I love how people say this is a fraud, even though everyone hates both candidates, they tend to hate Trump more.

    I’m not saying I know everyone, but I talk to a lot of people, from hard working dirt under the nails hicks, to guys in offices handling the paperwork. They hate them both, and think Trumps attitude makes him a piece of sh|t.

    So, shocking? No. Fraud? Not any more tha every election.

    Your votes don’t count, the president has already been determined a couple years back at least.

  • Yes the Democrats will start fights on the street when she wins just like the paid protestrs ant Trump rallies. Hillary is a devil’s spawn.

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  • “Power to the People.”. “With Great Power comes Great Responsibility.”, “We the people are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution.”- Abraham Lincoln. Lastly a unknown quote from someone who also “Gets It”. “Politicians. By continuing to allow this kind of corruption, to keep voting for these crooked s.o.b.s , YOU AND I are terrorizing ourselves! By not getting up, kicking ass, and taking control of our government, as was intended when our country was founded, WE are to blame. The Constitution and the Declaration of Independence not only give us the RIGHT to kick ass on a fukt up government, but they give us the OBLIGATION to kick ass. It’s our civic DUTY to retake control of our government for the good of the People.”

  • FIRST FIRST LADY to come under any criminal investigation. America, tell me it isn’t so. They Poison your Air, Food, Children, Politics and your mind.The fact that Many are waking up suggests someone’s praying for the People. peace

  • “SECRET GOVERNMENT PROJECTS” get your copy before the CIA sees what I’m revealing in it! CIA, NSA, DARPA, NASA secrets! Your Worst Fears About what the Government is doing: Alien Cooperation, Mind Control and so much more! Discover what the government is secretly doing to us. Most powerful, revealing book ever written:

  • It is clear by the media polls that Hill is winning never mind hardly anyone is coming to her rallies.

    When Hill wins by a landslide at the electronic vote count then how can anybody doubt the media ever again?



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