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Vengeful Trump Suggests He’ll Go After Hillary if He Wins

Saturday, October 22, 2016 11:14
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(Before It's News)

Seriously, you won’t find many who are more enraged than me at the blatant cronyism that has kept Hillary Clinton, perhaps the most corrupt, coldblooded, ruthless politician in the history of our nation from the extensive prison sentence she so richly deserves.

We are, however, a nation of laws. Because she feels no need to follow them does not release the rest of our government to bend or break those rules, and approval of such makes one a hypocrite.

In other words, we have to regain our composure. Now is not the time to lose our collective minds.

At a rally in Fletcher, North Carolina, Trump again dubbed his opponent “the most corrupt politician ever to seek the office of the presidency,” a charged comment that sparked raucous chants of “lock her up” from his supporters.

The Republican presidential nominee then responded to the chants with an uncharacteristic suggestion, similar to President Barack Obama’s counsel to “don’t boo, vote.”

“Well, let’s do this. Let’s do this,” he advised. “Nov. 8, let’s win. Let’s win. Let’s win.”

But he added: “We win, we have lots of options. But we gotta win.”

He’s right that she’s corrupt. Nobody needed his input for that.

Trump has suggested that he would re-open the investigation into Clinton’s email scandal. Presumably, however, all that he could do at this point is investigate those who have favored her in this matter, and that is already under way.

While his campaign manager tried to walk back his threat to jail Clinton as “a quip,” Trump has doubled down on his pledge.

And, perhaps unfamiliar with how the Supreme Court works, Trump said during the Republican primary he would “probably appoint people that would look very seriously at her email disaster because it’s criminal activity.”

Totally not what the Supreme Court does.

It’s scary to know that we have such an uninformed, bumbling clown as GOP nominee, mostly because this clown was put where he is by large numbers of citizens, who are even less informed, and proudly so.

This is why we can’t have nice things.

These people have hung their hopes on a wall that Trump knows can’t be built, at least to the specifications that he’s suggested.

They believed that he would enact mass deportations, and that he would force businesses to come back to America and punish trade.

They also feel he can lock Hillary up on his own, and none of that is going to happen. Nor should anyone be encouraging him to exert power that is not encompassed in his job description, should he win the White House.

He’s making many wild promises to his base. November 9 is going to be a wake up call for a lot of people.

The post Vengeful Trump Suggests He’ll Go After Hillary if He Wins appeared first on RedState.


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Total 6 comments
  • and of course, redstate calls ENFORCING THE LAWS OF THE NATION ON A WALKING FELON, Vengeance! What an idiot!

    • Right you are, “Desert…” It’s not “vengeance” with Trump, it’s JUSTICE, and it would be about time!

    • Right you are, desert… With Trump it’s not vengeance, but JUSTICE and ABOUT TIME!!!

  • Trump’s complaint about NAFTA is that our exporters have to pay VAT taxes in Mexico and everywhere else. It’s just like a tariff, only we don’t call it that. It is a competitive disadvantage.

    Re-negotiate the treaties to eliminate the tariffs (the Value Added Tax that other countries impose on our goods.) What’s wrong with that?

    Clinton said in the debate it was good that someone with Trump’s temperament isn’t in charge of the law. And Trump’s reply was, “you’d be in jail.”

    That is a quip. And it would be nice if the people in charge of the law would uphold it, enforce it. Under that circumstance, she would be in jail.

    Presidents appoint federal judges, not just Supreme Court justices. But any case arising from Hillary’s misconduct in office would end up in the Supreme Court. That would include conspiracy to obstruct justice in the years after, by anybody.

    There would be executive privilege claims, for one thing, by the co-conspirator in the White House.

    And mass deportation of illegals was fine when President Eisenhower did it. The sky did not fall. Americans and legal residents did the jobs that the illegals had taken from them.

    I don’t know how “vengeful” applies to a victor. And I don’t know WHAT makes you think I am uninformed. You don’t know what you’re talking about, and you call others uninformed?

    • Here is an honest discussion of the trade issue:

      “…many of America’s trading partners rely on value-added taxes, and WTO rules permit VAT rebates on export sales. However, the U.S. has no VAT — yet our exports don’t receive similar corporate income-tax rebates.”

      Notice that other countries giving a rebate to their exporters doubles the tariff effect.

      The smoke and mirrors from Forbes, and other corporate propagandists, aside: About 160 countries impose a value-added tax on imports.

      And the WTO allows them to rebate the domestic VAT when goods are exported.

      And there is no tax rebate for Americans who export goods.

      And the highest sales tax in America is 9 and a half percent. Mexico’s VAT –charged to us– is 16% for the interior and 11% in the border region.

  • There are laws and Executive Orders already on the books that what Trump says he will do he can do if he decides to enforce those laws or Executive Orders.

    It has always seemed to me the very laws and Executive Orders the Satanic New World Order has planned to use on us can likewise be used on them if someone in office has the balls and the will to enforce them.

    Such poetic justice for Hillary, the 5th Degree Witch, and others involved in the criminal destruction of America to experience the tyranny they put in place to crush us the ‘little people’ to be used against them in like manner if Trump does what he says he will do.

    The powers that be never thought when they were passing all those laws they personally would ever have to abide by them. Because in their own minds they were ‘Special’.

    After Hillary’s trial, if convicted maybe she’ll get to see the ‘Special’ rope over at Leavenworth.

    Hope the day they hang Hillary if the old witch lives that long Obama hangs right along with her because they’ve got his ‘Special’ rope over at Leavenworth waiting for him too.

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