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Americans Trust Trump Will Fulfill Campaign Promises

Tuesday, November 29, 2016 7:17
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A new Harvard University’s Center for American Political Studies and the National Research Group poll finds that 64 percent of voters say President-elect Donald Trump will successfully fulfill his campaign promises on immigration, the nation’s infrastructure, taxes and ObamaCare.

Seventy-eight percent approve of Trumps infrastructure promise, and a majority also approve of Trump’s proposed cut individual income taxes.

On immigration, perhaps the central issue of Trump’s campaign, there is the belief that Trump will follow through on his pledges, policies:

  • Fifty-three percent said they strongly or somewhat trust Trump will uphold his promise to stop immigration from Syria and other terror-prone regions. Fifty-seven percent approve of that campaign promise.
  • Fifty-four percent of respondents believe Trump will keep his campaign pledge to deport undocumented immigrants.
  • The survey found strong support for removing immigrants living in the country illegally who have criminal records. About 90 percent of those polled back deporting illegal immigrants with a criminal record.
  • Forty percent trust Trump to follow through on his promise to build a border wall between the United States and Mexico.

Seventy-eight percent approve of Trump’s $1 trillion infrastructure proposal to improve roads, bridges and tunnels, and 53 percent think he’ll keep it.

The poll found a majority of Americans also support enacting new lobbying restrictions, getting NATO members to pay their dues and expanding family leave — but less than half of the respondents trust the president-elect will fulfill these campaign promises.

The survey was conducted from Nov. 19 to 21  and has a margin of error 2 percent.

The post Americans Trust Trump Will Fulfill Campaign Promises appeared first on RedState.


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