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Who and/or what are these people who are calling for, and in some cases, directly threatening (and encouraging) the assassination of Donald Trump?
What has this man done to deserve that level of vitriol?”
Let’s list a few possibilities:
Trump is a “nationalist” (America first) who wants Americans to enjoy the fruits of their talents and efforts.
Trump wants to ensure anyone entering the (national) door is well-intentioned, and interested in being a productive member of the American society.
Trump wants to make the freeloaders (internationally) pay their fair share, instead of expecting the American taxpayer to work harder to finance nations who expect America to defend them for free.
Trump wants to bring off-shored jobs back to America, so Americans can bring home a livable paycheck, live in good homes and provide for their families.
Trump want to lower tax burdens to leave more earned money in the hands of those who earned it.
Trump wants America to have a strong military …. peace through strength … thousands of years of history prove this is the best defense. Note his words … he wants a strong military “so we won’t have to use it!”
Trump has been emphatic that he want to see peace … between people domestically, people internationally, and have a world where trade, productivity and mutually beneficial commerce supplants dominion, domination and ultimately war.
Does that sound like a bad idea someone should be killed for espousing?
Who would want to assassinate a man of peace and prosperity? Those who would do so are the true enemies we must expose and defeat.