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By Bunkerville, God, Guns and Guts
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Drag Queen Shi-Queeta Lee live streams performance at the White House

Tuesday, November 29, 2016 6:18
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(Before It's News)

The White House performance by Shi-Queeta Lee took place on November 17. Historians should mark the date as another milestone in our self-imposed decline. In case you missed the live broadcast, I am giving you another opportunity. If Obama thinks he is doing anything for the Lesbian and Gay cause he is sadly mistaken. He makes a mockery of Gays and Lesbians who are living their lives as normally as they can and foisting this upon us and on the White House. Here is the report from OUT:

Local D.C. drag queen Shi-Queeta Lee was invited to perform and mother served the kids some Tina Turner tease, performing (and dropping into a split for) “Proud Mary.” Shi-Queeta may have been the first drag queen to perform at The White House, though honestly, who knows what J. Edgar Hoover was doing on the weekends.

The briefing was live-streamed on, but in case you missed it, Ms. Lee shared the video of her performance for the world to enjoy and kick a leg up to:

More than a Hat Tip goes to OUT

Filed under: Liberal Loonies Tagged: Drag Queen, Gay, Lesbian, Transgenered


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