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Everything You Have Been Taught Is Wrong! It’s Time You Know The Truth.

Wednesday, November 30, 2016 9:39
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I have been doing my own independent research for 6 years.  I came to many of these conclusions on my own.  Please wake-up, you are running out of time.  What the globalists are not telling you is that the Sun is going to go through a coronal mass ejection and then there will be 3 days of darkness.  This is why they built themselves underground bases called D.U.M.B.S.  What they won’t inform about is this is how life naturally evolves.  Gamma rays carry information and if you are ready, due to your high vibration of love, you will ascend.  This has been disguised/described as the rapture.  As one person put it “fly or fry.”  It’s up to you.  This is said to happen between the years 2017 – 2023 and no later than 2027.  By 2027 there will be very few people on the planet.  It’s not about getting right with the “lord” or “God.”  It’s about getting right with the Universe and raising your vibration to one of love, forgiveness, peace, joy and service to others.  This includes eating high vibrational foods, which means no meat.  Meat carries a frequency of terror and pain.  When you eat meat you take that frequency into your body, which then gives low level parasitic entities the ability to feed off of you and influence you.  Everything is frequency.  For more enlightenment please follow Corey Goode, William Tompkins, Anthony Rodriguez, and Randy Kramer.      

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