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By Bunkerville, God, Guns and Guts
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Hillary Clinton abandoned niece, Macy now voting for Trump

Friday, November 4, 2016 4:10
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(Before It's News)

When I heard that Macy Clinton, Hillary’s niece was going to vote for Trump I recalled an earlier post. Macy has been on hard times. And Auntie dearest has no interest apparently in being part of the village required to raise her. One can look at the Trump family and no one can deny it sure didn’t take any village to raise his kids.  So kudos to Macy for seeing the light, and getting her life together as a hair stylist and as for Hillary there is nothing like a little love.

Hillary Clinton’s niece is turning her back on her “selfish” aunt — to endorse Donald Trump for president.

“I support Donald Trump 100 percent,” Macy Smit, the daughter of Bill Clinton’s half-brother Roger Clinton, declared to RadarOnline.

“I have been a Democrat my entire life, but Trump is what we need right now — somebody who is going to stand up for us. I think at this point Hillary just wants it for the history books — to be the first woman president for selfish reasons,” the Tampa hairstylist continued.

macy“Something tells me the Clinton side looks at me and my mother as not good enough, but we’re hard-working,” Smit told the gossip site.

Roger Clinton was a deadbeat dad who dumped Smit’s mom, Martha Spivey, shortly after she became pregnant with his child, according to RadarOnline.

“The Clintons are all talk!” Spivey, 50, told the site. “Hillary says she’s all about family, but she’s got a niece she’s never met and never acknowledged. Read more via NY Post

Bunkerville, 2010:

Former President Clinton’s niece, Macy Clinton, said she is in such a rut, she uses a government benefit card to get food from her local grocery store. She blames her financial trouble on former President Clinton’s brother, Roger, who she says abandoned her.

“It’s hard, because I’m a Clinton, too, but I have to be on food stamps, and I have to sacrifice everything just to make it day by day,” Macy Clinton told “Inside Edition” in an interview that aired Tuesday. From Clinton’s niece living on food stamps April 29, 2010. For more on Roger’s less than stellar past and pardon given by Bill Clinton on his way out the WH door: Washington Post

Filed under: election Tagged: Hillary Clinton, Macy Clinton, Roger Clinton


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