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Two weeks ago Wikileaks released an email that should have been career ending. Politico’s chief political correspondent Glenn Thrush was caught redhanded sending advance copy of a story he’d written about the Clinton crime family to Clinton consigliere John Podesta. This despite an actual written policy forbidding such hackishness. On another occasion he actually apologizes to Podesta for a story he’s writing.
Now he’s been caught again.
What you see here is a large slug of a story by Thrush titled Quiet, please. Hillary’s running. The text in the email picks up in the sixth paragraph of the story. Note the subject line: Subject: pls read asap — the JP bits — don’t share.
This close coordination of the press with the Clinton campaign, to the extent that they are basically acting as a ladies auxiliary to the Clinton campaign communications apparatus is only shocking because for the first time we’ve seen actual evidence of the collaboration. And Thrush is not alone but he is noteworthy because his smarmy suck-up emails are in such a contrast to his claim that he’s being a REAL REPORTER by sending the subject of his stories the copy in advance.
The post POLITICO’s Glenn Thrush Caught Clearing Stories With Clinton Campaign. AGAIN. appeared first on RedState.