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“Purple” Corporate Media Post-Election Game-Playing Works With Soros’ Color Revolution Plans for the US

Monday, November 14, 2016 21:12
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(Before It's News)

Who’s side is the US media on and what are their motives?

It’s good to see a lot of attention being focused on the subversive activities of George Soros … and that exposure needs to increase to stop him and the Purple Revolution he has planned for America … like the other ‘color revolutions‘ he has been behind in other places, and the destruction that followed in those places. Let’s keep the pressure on this globalist bastard who admits to using and killing people for his own enrichment!

Much thanks to the 7,600 people who, in the last 24 hours, have read and commented on my article about this parasite who lives under the assumed name of SOROS!

There are other culprits at work against the good of America too … the most visible of whom are many in the corporate mediabut fortunately not all. (Perhaps they are out for revenge for being so wrong, and for looking like pompous fools they are throughout this entire election process.)

Whatever their motivations, it certainly seems they, the ‘alphabet media’, are more interested in something other than the good of the country.


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