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Trump Fan Becomes Beligerent at Showing of “Hamilton”

Sunday, November 20, 2016 16:17
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(Before It's News)

Trump fanatics don’t handle any criticisms of their liege well.

When VP-elect Mike Pence attended a Broadway showing of “Hamilton” on Friday night, he didn’t go to get booed by the audience or get a lecture from the stage from those who consider themselves his socially aware betters, simply because of his place in President-elect Trump’s administration.

Without getting into my feelings about whether what the cast did was appropriate, or not, I’ll say this: Given the climate we are now in, as a nation, and given the well-documented psychosis Trumpidian cultists labor under, they had to know there would be a bit of a blowback.

On Saturday night, the cast during a performance of the play in Chicago got a taste of what it is to be in the crosshairs of angry Trump supporters.

According to BroadwayWorld, somebody seated in the balcony shouted, “We won! You Lost! Get over it! F**k you!” during the number “Dear Theodosia,” which is about Alexander Hamilton and Aaron Burr coming to terms with what being a father meant in the newly formed United States.

The audience member was escorted out of the theater by security after a brief altercation.

Apparently, the guy was drunk. He started disturbing other attendees, apparently working himself into a froth over a line from a song called “Yorktown.”

The line goes, “Immigrants… we get the job done.”

It wasn’t meant as a slight to Trump, but could very well be taken that way, especially if you’re already in that Trump devotee frame of mind, as well as hyper-fueled by a bit of liquid courage.

The incident was confirmed on Twitter.

I’m at a Hamilton showing in Chicago and this trump supporter in the middle of the show started screaming and ranting… he was escorted out— BT (@btomato)November 20, 2016

One Facebook user wrote after the show, according to BroadwayWorld, “At the end, the performers were crying … So was I. They didn’t break characters once. They still sang their hearts out.”

Yeah. That’s a bit much.

Why are you crying?

Since the incident, a #BoycottHamilton movement has sprung up on Twitter in protest. Many social media users already saw “Hamilton” as a symbol of left-leaning elitism, and the Pence incident may have created an even greater divide between Trump supporters and “Hamilton” fans.

I’m not a huge fan of boycotts, just because you don’t like somebody’s opinion, but it certainly is a more valid form of protest than blocking traffic and destroying property.

If they must boycott, however, let them keep their drunken rants at home, and allow for those who don’t want to boycott to enjoy their night out, in peace.

The post Trump Fan Becomes Beligerent at Showing of “Hamilton” appeared first on RedState.


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  • redstate ignoring the rioting in the streets and burning down neighborhoods by paid rioters, and redstate wants to misdirect you with fluff and bs about one guy at a play! Keep beating that drum of hate!
    Redstate morons are self professed never trumpers.. their contributors have “as far as I can discern” all posted hate postings about trump, a man they’ve never met, know less than nothing about, but they hate him all the same! BASED ON NOTHING but being directed by tptb.. they don’t have actual reasons they can point to from their personal experiences with trump.. just complete bs!

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