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UN General Assembly President Praises Fidel Castro; Holds Moment of Silence In His Honor

Wednesday, November 30, 2016 19:49
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It’s getting tedious pointing out the United Nations and their love affair with dictators and tyrants. Fidel Castro is no different. Despite inflicting decades of harm to his country and his people, there are still people praising him as though he were a beacon of light in a dark world. Many citizens in Cuba live in a dark world because they can’t keep the electricity on at times.

Watch this garbage:

“I’m deeply saddened by the passing of Fidel Castro,” began the president of the General Assembly, Peter Thomson of Fiji. He described the Cuban dictator as “one of the iconic leaders of the 20th century, with a great love for his homeland and the Cuban people, he dedicated his life to their welfare and development.”

“A tireless advocate for equity in the international arena, he was an inspirational figure for developing countries in particular,” Thomson added.

Advocate for equity. He did that by attempting to bring everybody down. He was inspirational to other tyrant thugs like Che Guevara.

An iconic leader my foot.

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