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Glenn Beck Connects Trump Senior Adviser to White Nationalism (Video)

Monday, November 14, 2016 16:18
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(Before It's News)

There are very few who have lived through this election cycle and who haven’t picked up on the less-than-subtle racist undertones of Breitbart.

Now that President-elect Trump has made Steve Bannon, the grizzled boss of the Breitbart website, the chief strategist to his administration, people like talk show host, Glenn Beck, are taking notice.

“You know, if people really want to in the press would like to call Donald Trump a racist, you might want to stop on that one and spend a little time on [Steve] Bannon,” Beck said on his radio broadcast Monday.

“Bannon has a clear tie to white nationalists — clear tie,” Beck added of the former Breitbart News executive and Trump campaign CEO. “He’s built Breitbart as a platform for the alt-right.

“He’s on record saying that. He’s on record defining the alt-right. He knows what it is. He’s a guy that wants to tear this system down and wants to replace it with a new system.”

“He’s a nightmare,” Beck said of Bannon. “And he’s the chief adviser to the president of the United States now.

“He is a frightening — no, no, no, he is a terrifying man, terrifying man. … It speaks volumes.”

And it does.

Either Trump’s judgment is horribly off, or he has an agenda.

For his part, Trump is sure having Bannon as adviser and Reince Priebus as Chief of Staff will be a winning combination.

Critics from both sides of the aisle on Monday raised the alarm over Bannon’s appointment, citing his ties with the alt-right movement.

Detractors say the far-right ideology glorifies white nationalism, anti-Semitism and discrimination against minorities.

And I’m sure we could debate all day about whether there is an air of racism attached to Breitbart and the alt-right movement, whether Pepe is a meme that was co-opted and misconstrued by the alt-right, or if Bannon is, in fact, an intentional promoter of such vile ideology, but facts are facts, and so much ugly has come from this movement that it’s difficult to ignore.

Listen to Glenn as he discusses his concerns.

The post WATCH: Glenn Beck Connects Trump Senior Adviser to White Nationalism appeared first on RedState.


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